The Thunder Dragon

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The thunder dragon, the son of the lightning dragon and the terra dragon, is a great dragon.

With scales of midnight that are harder than rock, shinier than gold, it has a roar so strong that it echoes throughout the sky, rattling the earth. This dragon, which lives in the water and soars through the air, is feared by many.

He carries two stones- boulders really, and strikes them together with such force that sparks fly, flashing brightly for a short moment, which create a sound almost as strong as his roar, that bellows like a battle cry. It rumbles. He spits boiling water at his enemies, and claws through them like a sword through person.

He pursues evil spirits wherever he finds them, and slays them.
The spirits would scatter and hide but to no avail, the dragon destroys them. Sometimes, the dragon is attacked in its home, a cave behind a waterfall, by wicked people, some who use magic, which either wants to kill him or control him only to be crushed or burnt to a crisp. Some people however, go to him for help or good luck. Others believed him to be a sea monster. Or a giant snake- a demon who crawled from the depths of hell.

Sailors were often afraid to venture far from land, afraid he or another dragon would turn over their boat. But this dragon, it loved its human followers and protected them but was always at with the vikings, he thought them to be berserk.

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