chapter 22: so you're Champa

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Goku tried to explain what happened but Vegeta had to explain it from scratch because Goku explained it terrible

Avcoa: so you guys caused this?

Vegeta: nope, not me (points at Goku) he did

Avoca: .....well count me in but I think that's all we'll need (smirks)

Vegeta: stay cocky, I'm going to enjoy ripping that smirk off your face, when I beat you

Goku: Vegeta I'm not sure if we're ever going to be able to beat Avoca or even have a chance

Avoca: well, who else will be going?

Vegeta: you, kakarot, piccolo, and me of course

Avoca: that's 4 don't we need 5?

Vegeta: you said all we needed was you so it doesn't matter that much anymore, right?

Avoca: yeah true, when will it take place?

Vegeta: in 3 days...

Avcoa: alright....

Vegeta: are you going to be busy in 3 days or something

Avoca: well my wife just gave birth and I wanted to spend time with both of them

Goku: take them both with you

Avoca: wait, there could be spectators?

Vegeta: yeah

Avoca: alright, count me in, I'll be over at Caspsule corp in 3 days

Goku: wait could one of you're kids fill in the spot?

Avoca: they could, but I don't want them fighting right now

Vegeta: can't bra go?

Avoca: she got sick, I don't know how or why, I went to the hospital with 21 and when I came back she was sick

Vegeta: ....take care of her, see you in 3 days... (Flies off)

Avoca: ....I will...

Goku and Vegeta both flew towards the lookout, and Avoca went inside of the lab which was his home now, Avoca saw 21 sleeping with mint on her chest

Avoca: ...(walks over and picks both of them up gently and places them on their bed then he slept while hugging both of the girls, while he thought of the other universe's fighters

Avoca (mind): I hope they don't disappoint me
3 days later:

Avoca woke up first because it was time for his training, he trained when 21 slept so he could spend more time with her while she was awake, Avoca went to his gravity room and started to warm up before making clones and fighting with them. Two clones grabbed his arms while two other clones punched him over and over, Avoca resisted and after a while he transformed which pushed every clone back

Avoca: ...

???: Hey!

Avcoa: what?
(turns around to see his shadow)

???: Make sure you don't fight if you don't have to..

Avoca: why?

???: Because you might kill them, you can't control your strength that much

Avoca: ....

???:  ....don't mess up like you're father....

Avcoa: ...

Avoca continued fighting with his clones, he was easily beating them but after a while they also transformed which made it harder for Avoca but he managed to dodge them without even sweating and he then began to throw punches at them, he wasn't only getting stronger from training but from killing, and even though they aren't really alive, because their clones it still counts and he gets stronger while the zenkais also make him stronger

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