Your chest heaves with panting breaths as you look wildly around, your potential projectiles now depleted.

"As I was saying," the thing continued again, though this time they made a concerted effort to not move toward you. "Many, many apologies for this intrusion."

Sense finally broke into your chaotic swirl of thoughts. Even with near-hyperventilating gasps, you yell, "What do you want? What did you do to me? How did we get back here?"

"I'm very sorry! I just awoke from a very long sleep and was a bit disoriented." Its face creases with concern and misery as their hands, those fingers, grasp at one another. It tugs and fidgets with its own digits, its pathetic red gaze nothing but wretched. "I saw you at the moving picture and something just..."

It trails off and attempts to find the appropriate word by raising its hands. Its fingers wiggle, the claws catching the light of the bathroom.

At your uncomprehending look, its hands fall and its shoulders hunch near its pointed ears. "I just got very hungry."

"And how are we here?" You demand, motioning toward the bathroom and implying your apartment at large.

"I'm assuming you're asking how I know this is your home," the thing mumbles, pointed ears drooping as it returns to fidgeting with its fingers. Your expression hardens as you nod, making a gesture for it to continue. It radiates wretchedness as it answers, "The blood, you see, carries memories and-"

You groan, running your hands down your face with crooked fingers pushing against your cheeks. This couldn't be real! This was some sort of hallucination or even a dream! You couldn't imagine why you'd be hallucinating, though, and you knew you weren't asleep.

You weren't ready to accept what this thing was telling you. You weren't even ready to accept it actually being a physical entity! If you did, then you'd have to come to terms with a blood-sucking, bat-like creature existing in this reality and you- Nope! Your brain shut down the line of thought, like steel doors shutting out an invasion.

"I left penitence at your bedside," they mumble, their red gaze once more on their own hands. With as high as their shoulders hunch, they look about ready to fold in on themselves.

You throw the creature a glare, which it seems to feel - even without looking at you - as it flinches.

Better than being terrified, you clung to the annoyance as you edged to the bathroom door. Being irritated was better than breaking down into tears as the world you knew suddenly fractured as fictitious things became reality.

Opening the door and ducking into your bedroom, your eyes scan the area. It was mostly as you left it. At least the thing hadn't rummaged through your belongings. Then again, if what it said about blood and memories was true, it wouldn't have to.

With a savage shake of your head, you dislodged the thought. No, it wasn't real. It was fictional. You were hallucinating and your brain was just giving you too much to work with! That was it. Yep.

Your attention finally lands on what must be the thing's penitence. With narrowing eyes, you slowly approach the small box on your nightstand. It appears to be made of discreet metal, dingy and old. With a careful hand, you flip the lid open. It opens easily and you stare at the offering.

Inside, a small fortune of gold coins sits in the velvet-lined box. As you sift through the coins, a small carved statue catches between your fingers. You stare at it, eyebrows raising as it reminds you of those fertility figurines you've seen in museums.

Pensive, you glance back over your shoulder, to the bathroom. The creature hovers in the doorway, half behind the door. Skepticism tints your voice as you ask, "You're giving me all this for one meal of blood?"

Room & Boardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें