Chapter 5

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I say this is probably what the 6th time you had to whoop your brother's ass? Yea 6, it's 6. You knew you should've waited til your parents got back cuz now he's trying to black mail you. And if maybe your bump wasn't as it is now you would have sent him to the hospital already. But you can't do much damage right now. But once their baby is out you'll get him.

Meanwhile you were in your living room sitting comfortably as you watched TV but you were interrupted by a loud exhausted groan. "UGHHHHH Get off me" "Nope". Your brother Andres felt as if he was about to cry. It's been 2 hours and you're still sitting on his back. He started getting flashbacks to when you guys were younger. You used to always do this. It was kinda heartwarming thinking back on it but now? Uh Uh you're both adults and you're pregnant with his niece or nephew. Sighing he couldn't take it anymore so he decided to call it quits saying that he won't tell you guys parents until you're ready. Feeling satisfied you got off him while he rolled onto his back gasping in as much air as he could before rolling back over. His head was on a pillow he took from your couch (....) as he stared at your stomach. It was like he was having a staring contest with his future nibbling and just like that it happened. He saw a poke at your stomach. It was silent as the only thing that could be heard was you taking sips of your water bottle and the tv in the background. Andres was concerned for a second as he saw you didn't react at all but there was a smile on your face. And as if you notice his longing stare and confusion.

You grabbed his hand placing it on your stomach as he felt another kick to your stomach then another, his then began to swirl with curiosity. After a couple more minutes the baby in your womb finally decided to chill after having a poking contest with Andres. All while their little moment Andres then started thinking that maybe being an Uncle isn't going to be so bad.


Your parents had no idea what the hell was going on but they were highly suspicious when they saw Andres bouncing up and down on the couch waiting for you to spill what you were going to tell them. Meanwhile you were playing with the hem of your sweatshirt trying to make up an excuse. You wanted to be the one to tell your parents that you were pregnant with their grandchild since last time you didn't get a chance to.

"Don't get mad..And please don't kill the guys" you specified as both your parents shared an equally confused look before your dad scooted to the edge of his seat on the other couch. "So I guess what I'm trying to tell you is that I'm the guys? Heh" the grip your dad had on his thigh and the grip your mom had on her husband's arm gave you all the information you needed to know kinda. "Congratulations!!" your mother yelled pulling you up to hug you immediately letting out a surprised noise before lifting your sweatshirt up to reveal your baby bump.

At that your fathers eyes widen more, I mean why wouldn't it. You look about 7-8 months pregnant. And you didn't tell him till now. Hearing a knock on the door he went to answer it hell maybe it's just him needing some fresh air. But when he opened the door the people at the door were the cause for you being pregnant now. Nash was standing there confused and slightly scared as he began to sweat. "Heyy Mr. Machetti sorry we took so long Y/N wanted cookies" Nash tried to converse as he held up 2 four pack Crumble Cookie boxes. Alonzo took them out his hand and placed them on the little table next the the front door inside the house. Seeing his eye twitch Nash began to feel like he was shit himself and to make matters worse Jason, Aomine, and Kagami walked up behind him on the porch from the driveway arguing.

But they stopped once they felt the atmosphere and heard Alonzo clear his voice. The guys glanced at one another before they scattered with Alonzo chasing Jason first "Why is he chasing me?!?" Hearing the commotion going on outside you, your mother Nora, and Andres made your way to the front door onto the porch. You saw your cookies on the table and grabbed them before shoving the fruity pebbles cookie into your mouth stepping outside watching everything go down.

Alonzo grabbed a cookie out of your box, specifically the smores one despite your protest as he made his way down the steps shoving it into his mouth as well. "Tag team me in dad tag team me in!!" tho it came out muffled with chocolate smearing on his face and crumbs on his shirt. Smiling at the scene you turned towards your right before placing a kiss on Kuroko's cheek, to which he thanked "Thanks love". Which startled the hell out of your mother "Great Heavens!!". With a hand over her heart she looked past you and at Kuroko who was rubbing your stomach hoping the baby will know he's trying to communicate with them a bit. Nora smiled at the scene but was interrupted by a scream before you made your way down the stairs trying to get your father off of Aomine.


"Okay picture time" Kise cheered as he clapped he had a random person right next to him that had a clipboard "Jason go get Y/N we have to plan maternity pictures for the baby". Kise groaned as he got up from the table. A few moments later he sat you down in front of Kise on one of your bean bags around the house. Your hair was kinda messy and you looked exhausted last night. You kept having to go pee. Every time you place your leg into the bed you would have to walk all the way back to the bathroom cuz of your bladder. You guess your scarf slipped off your head during the whole ordeal. Huffing your eyes bored into Kise's with irritation and tiredness. "Great! Now that you're here let's discuss the maternity photo shoot. I can have some of the workers who used to shoot my photos to handle everything. Oh and what about-". "Kise we don't even know the baby's gender so what the hell are you even on about". "I know but that's not important right now because we're having the gender reveal this weekend and on Monday the photo shoot."

You hated how he was always prepared for everything. He can tell from the way your eye was twitching and the attitude looking on your face. But he just smiled. "Oh and also Momoi and your Mom would handle most preparations." With an raised eyebrow you looked at him confused. You haven't heard from Momoi in a minute as well as everyone else from high school. You let out a huge sigh "I hate you" you said with a blank look, "Aww Y/N-cchi I love you too" he said with a happy aura his face the complete opposite of yours. You let out an annoyed groan as you laid down on the bean bag grabbing a cover trying to go back to sleep. But yet again Kise had to ruin it by ripping cover away from you.

"You're about to end up on my hit list" but he ignored you, having Kuroko drag you back upstairs to bathe, as he continued to plan things out with the man who was standing next to him noting everything down. Unbeknownst to him everyone else in the room was shooting deadly looks towards him. He must've thought they wouldn't notice the lustful looks he had on his face that he tried to hide behind the clipboard when you were in front of him. And it most definitely didn't help that you were wearing one of their t-shirts with no bra. Since you're pregnant your breasts are 2 times larger especially since they're filled with milk. They were glad that you didn't start leaking yet or else the man would've busted in his pants in front of you all. And they couldn't have that around you. Especially their child.

And none of this went unnoticed by Kise either, just because his 'assistant' was right behind him doesn't mean he didn't notice the looks the guys were giving him. Hell, he thought he was buggin when he heard certain sounds coming from him too. But he played them off as coughs and cleared his throat. He was just glad you were to tired out of your fucking mind to even notice him behind Kise.

It was alright cuz later that night when they had their men kidnap him, they were told he was masturbating to pics of you online. And stuff like this was the exact reason why they did what they did, also as an excuse to confess their jealous feelings. He ended up going missing on the news the next morning and Kise just continued to plan everything out with your mother instead. But everything's fine now they were heavily prepared for anything like this to happen anyway. Now let's just get the gender reveal and maternity photos over with, then move onto the next project.

And let's pray for the next person that thinks to try or do anything perverted to you, the guys will have their head.

And let's pray for the next person that thinks to try or do anything perverted to you, the guys will have their head

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