A Mysterious traveler

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Kyoko's POV

It has A few months since I had come to watatsumi island and join the resistance I had ranked up quite quickly due to my excellent Palarm skills. I'd made it to one of the strongest groups of the resistance swordfish II. Even though I was still a bit nervous for I don't talk to that many people it's mainly just Ganyu shenhe cloud retainer and my sister. I did slowly get used to it but I don't really talk to many people. It's mainly just kokomi me general Gorou and teppei. Though Teppei had left to Fort fujitou same with General Gorou with one of the groups of the resistance A month ago. But then today kokomi asked me to come talk to her.

you want to talk to me Kokomi.

Kokomi: yes I think it is safe enough for you to travel outside of Watatsumi due to you already having a permit previously to travel to inazuma. So I am sending you to Fort fujitou. From there you will join General Gorou. We need stronger forces out there Gorou has been telling me that inazuma forces have been attacking recently and they have been struggling. so do to your immense fighting skills I have deemed that you should go there.

I understand thank you kokomi. A few hours later I'm sent out to Fort fujitou. From there I meet Gorou and teppei. Teppei was very excited to see me So I was like I was about to tell him how I finally made it to swordfish II  but before I could General Gorou told him he needed to go out to Nazuchi Beach. When Teppei leaves I go to talk to General Gorou. He's happy to see me and I have you to see him too it's been a while since I mean he did save my life back when I first came to watatsumi Island.

Gorou: Hello Kyoko I hope you're doing well and also I hear that you have joined swordfish II

Yes I have it was very hard but it was all worth it.

Gorou: well It is great to have a strong fighter like yourself joining us here.

Thank you General Gorou. After I finish my conversation with General Gorou I go off to do my tasks. Soon enough Teppei returns but, this time he's not alone he's accompanied by a strange girl with short blond hair but she's also accompanied by a little flirting pixie. I don't trust her but I should get to know her first at least until I make my final judgment.

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