Although the train had never been run on 16 pounds before, it was either risking it into the Fold or facing the men outside, so the Conductor quickly forced the Ketterdam natives and Jean to sit down, warning them to not shift their weight as he got to work on starting the mode of transport.


A metal clang echoed through the train.
"What was that?" Jesper clenched onto his guns as he shared a glance with Inej and Jean.
"I've erected a system of timers along the line. Bits of metal hung on poles to keep me apprised of the pace we're going." The Conductor reassured them.
"How did you know where to put them?" Kaz voiced out loud, trying to understand how the man helping him was able to get through the Fold numerous times.
"Physics and engineering account for most of my success." As soon as she heard those words, Jean's head began to throb as a faint memory began to resurface. A man with glasses, pointing towards a huge, ebony jet behind him, a sense of pride painted on his face as he observed the people in front of him gaze in amazement at his latest achievement. But Jean couldn't match a name to his face, and soon it began to contort into one of a blue beast, which caused her to let out scream as she waved her hands in front of her face in hopes of removing the image from her mind.

This sudden reaction got the attention of the Conductor, who shouted at her to stop moving and keep quiet, otherwise she would doom them all. However, his warning didn't get through to her. He had to quickly move the slats into place to ensure their continued path, but due to the noise and Jean's screaming, Volcra heard them and soon began to attack the train looking through a way in to the humans inside.

As soon as turbulence hit them, Jean woke up from her memory and glanced around with wide eyes as the train rocked from side to side.

"What's going on?" She shouted out.
"Well, you finally decided to shut up." The Conductor complained as he tried to speed the train up.
"We're getting attacked by Volcra." Inej responded to Jean's question.
"What are Volcra?"
"They are the creatures of the Fold. And usually they are successful in removing trespassers." Inej gave her a stern look.

Jean couldn't help but start to panic. She had lost her memories and now may lose her life? This was too much and she started to find herself envious of Jesper, who was cuddling a goat.

The banging of the monsters on the outside of the train were simply highlighting just how small her world was. No one would miss her. She had no presence in this world. No family, no home. Just as she was receding into her mind again, Jesper stood up, walked to the middle of the carriage, aimed his gun and began to shoot through the roof and the windows, at the Volcra outside.

Jean had never seen such sharp marksmanship before in her life, and was truly impressed once silence followed as he seemingly got all of them. However, of course, nothing could go the way intended and one Volcra tore away at the metal behind Jean and grabbed at her, pulling her out of the train and into the shadows.

All the Conductor, Inej, Kaz and Jesper could do was stare in horror and the hole of darkness left behind. Until it was no longer that as the sun filled it up as their mission was successful and they reached the other side of Ravka, only down one woman.

Jean could feel a gnawing pain in her shoulder, as she quickly woke up from her unconsciousness induced by the sudden motion of being pulled out at such speed.

She couldn't see anything, but she knew where she was. The infamous Fold. And what she was feeling? Most likely the Volcra finding her a tasty meal.

It was all too much for the delicate ginger. She couldn't do anything to fight back. All she could do was read minds and she doubted the Volcra had anything going on in theirs except the desire for food.

So, Jean closed her eyes and tried to imagine a happy place. A happy memory, that could grant her a feeling of peace before she left this world, but instead all she could see were flames.

She was coated in flames, but she didn't feel the heat. No sweat made a path down her face. She felt nothing. But she saw something.

In front of her, the fire began to take shape. Stuff of myths formed in front of her very eyes. A phoenix. And it could talk.

"Jean Grey. Remember who you are. Remember me." The entity called out to her. She attempted to reply, but no sound came out of her mouth.
"You cannot let yourself end here. We could do so much together, you and I. The perfect host for my unweilding power. You must show these puny creatures who they should fear. Call upon my power, Jean, and together we can plunge this world into flames to destroy and create anew."

Jean's eyes burst open, gold shimmering out as she raised her hand and a blast of telekinesis infused with the power of the Phoenix came out, shaking the very earth and disintegrating the Volcra into ashes. Jean lifted herself up off the ground and into the air as she glided through the Fold to the other side to rejoin with her party.


"I think she's gone." The Conductor spoke up. The crew had decided to wait for an hour to see if their accomplice would make it through, but with no hope, that is until they felt the very ground shake.
"Do you think-?"
"No way."
"I thought she could only read minds."
The Dregs wanted to believe Jean had caused the earthquake, but it was unlikely.
"I fear the Conductor may be right. Even if she survived the attack, she has never been in the Fold. It would be difficult for her to find her way to exit." As soon as Kaz said this, a shadow formed on top of them. They all looked up to see the woman of the hour.
"Jean?" Inej said in surprise.
"She can fly?" Jesper shouted in awe as well as shock.
Both Kaz and the Conductor stayed quiet, not knowing what they had brought with them.

But, before anything could happen, Jean suddenly fell to the ground unconscious and all could see the wisps of gold that littered her skin.

"Kaz, I don't think she is a Grisha." Jesper mumbled out.

" Jesper mumbled out

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