Letters to reach you (pt.2)

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I cannot see a way out.
I cannot find some hope.

My dear, they take our thoughts away!
My  dear, they won't stop the burning, the splitting, the pain!

Pain is a big word, my love.
I'm hurting. I am... damaged.
Scarred, even.

I know pain.
Hope it's not ever-lasting.

For I can't STAND the madness!


Soon I'll BE nothing!

I can barely think of you
Write these letters you'll never read
and restore my sanity
Just for a while

Tell someone
Be heard about
my agony, my tragedy!

Afghanistan no longer is a country.
Not a home, not a shelter.
Afghanistan has turned on its people.
Its land is unwelcoming now.

The torn buildings don't exude warmth
The bodies on the ground can't say hello

It's a desert
A wasteland
Soon I'll be part of the waste.
No matter if I'm dead or not.
My spirit will be

Body without spirit is mere dust.

        My love(?)

*part 1&2 of "Letters to reach you" is dedicated to the women whose rights have been taken away by the Taliban, to the women who need us most. We stand with these women.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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