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The group of teens flew around the back of the campervan as Steve spun the wheel from left to right to left again. Even Eddie and Robin had stumbled back from the front of the van to the back where the sofas were. Everyones grip on the sides of the van was strong, turning their knuckles white as they attempted to steady themselves. Shouts of Steves name mixed with 'drive' and 'watch out' echoed around the van until they finally ended up on a proper road rather than a hill of grass. 

Steve and Nancy sat at the front of the van, Carrie looked up watching them. She could hear snippets of what they were talking about. The particular conversation she swore she'd heard before. 

"Six kids, that's crazy Steve," Carrie laughed. The pair were sat just out of Hawkins, watching below as their town went by. "What? You can't imagine six little Harringtons running around?" Steve laughed, throwing his head back. "Oh I dread to imagine it," Carrie smiled, nudging her arm into Steves. "We could stay in Hawkins, all of them growing up exactly where we did," Steve sighed happily. "You dont want anything more than Hawkins?" Carrie questioned, her tone a little off. "Whats better than Hawkins?" Steve smiled at her before leaning in and cupping her cheek. 

Carrie quickly shook the though from her head. "Hey you okay?" a voice asked from behind her. She turned to face Eddie, nodding. It stung slightly that Steve was having the same conversation with Nancy that he once had with her but she let it quickly escape her mind. "Nervous?" Eddie questioned, watching her body language. "I just dont know how lucky we'll get this time Eds," she smiled weakly at him. "We'll be fine," he pulled her into his body, under his arm. She welcomed the hug, her body relaxing into his as soon as he touched her. "Really guys?" Dustin pretended to throw up. "Hey if I'm going to risk my life for Hawkins, a town that hates me, might I add, then I'm gonna hug my girl as much as I want," Eddie winked at him. "Your girl?" Dustin spluttered. "Eventually," Eddie smirked, kissing Carrie on her head. 

Lucas and Max began to chatter at the back of the camper van about her decision to fight. Max won their argument of course and by the time they'd finished, the group had arrived at War Zone. "Eddie, obviously wait here, and uh pick someone to wait with you I guess?" Steve spoke stepping out of the van. "Princess?" Eddie smiled, "Keep me company?" he asked. She blushed, smiling, "Always," she winked. The group piled out leaving Eddie and Carrie in the van alone. "Smoke?" he offered her a cigarette and she nodded, taking one from him. She placed it between her lips as he lit it for her. They both took a long drag of their cigarettes before blowing out the smoke in unison. "So are you scared?" Carrie asked, sitting at the back of the van. "Eddie the banished does not get scared," he winked, taking a seat next to her. "Eddieee," she moaned nudging his arm. "Never stop saying my name like that," he pulled her closer into him. Carrie now laid with her head on Eddies lap, blowing the smoking up toward his face. "I'm being serious," her face became as serious as her question. "I am scared, because this time I have someone to fight for," he smiled down at her. Carrie felt the blush spread across his cheeks. "Cant let anything happen to Steve," he burst out laughing. "You're a dick," Carrie smacked his chest lightly. "I did want to ask you something though," He looked away from Carrie, she swore he looked nervous. "It's gonna seem quick, but I didnt think we'd be fighting monsters and risking our lives so," he took a long drag of his cigarette. "Dustin gonna go mental with me," he gave a nervous laugh. Carrie sat up, climbing onto his lap. "Just ask me Eddie," she smiled sweetly, hoping she hadn't misread his signals. "Car, if I'm going to fight monsters, there's no one id rather fight with," his tongue ran across his bottom lip as he cleared his throat. "Shit, Carrie will you be my girlfriend?" he quickly rushed out, squeezing his eyes at how quickly he'd forced the question out. "Even if we weren't  fighting monsters, I would always want to be your girlfriend Eds," she beamed. Eddie let out a breath of relief. "Oh Jesus H Christ," he smiled leaning in to kiss the girl who still sat on his lap. 

Eddies hands went to Carries thighs, holding her in place Asif it would kill him if she moved. Their kiss deepened, not a worry that their friends could come through the door any second. "You're forever mine now Princess," Eddie smiled through the kiss, picking Carrie up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He spun her around, laying her down, back towards the sofa so he was now on top of her. If Carrie couldn't feel how hard he was beneath her, she surely could now he was on top. She ran her hands through his hair, gripping and tugging, drawing moans from Eddie. Carrie let out her own moans of Eddies name. "Fuck, Eddie," she moaned into the kiss, which only turned Eddie on more. "All mine," he whispered as he began to trail kisses down her body. "All fucking mine," he continued to nip at her skin. Kissing down her torso, reaching her waist band. 

"START THE CAR!" the doors flying open sent Carrie and Eddie parting to opposite sides of the vehicle. The pair was breathless as they stared at a panicked Dustin, followed by the rest of the group. "Oh my god," Dustin began to gag, Steve and Nancy began to laugh. "Did you guys forget about the hicks chasing us, lets move it!" Erica snapped everyone back to reality. Steve jumped into the front of the camper van, starting it and speeding out of the car park. "I can't believe you both," Dustin shook his head as he reprimanded his sister and friend. "You-" he pointed to Eddie. "Gross," he shook his head, walking up to the front of the van and sitting, facing away from the couple. Eddie and Carrie looked toward each other, hiding their smiles. "I forgot," Eddie whispered as he began to fiddle with his hand, "you're mine?" he said like a question as he held out one of his shining silver rings to Carrie, "one day I'll swap it to a wedding ring, I promise," he smiled. Carrie beamed as he placed his chunky ring on her finger. Eddie kissed her on the head before putting his arm around her as they sat in the car, mentally preparing for what was too come. 

Three's A Crowd? (Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington x OC)Where stories live. Discover now