-CHAPTER 15: Wrap-up Party-

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Suga's POV

The message that Taehyung had sent was not yet seen by Seo Ah. I thought I could text her and explain what exactly happened but she wasn't online. Before I could press the green call button, my manager calls me. The music video for my upcoming song had to be filmed as soon as possible because everyone else was done with their solo songs. The problem was that this time the music video was about selfless love. Director-nim wanted me to act in that video as fans would want the same and, we still couldn't find the perfect co-actor to play the female role. We did keep auditions but, the performers were just crazy stalker fans.

The director enters my studio with a huge pile of script sheets. He takes a seat in front of me and beckons my manager to leave the room.

"Min Yoongi this is the fifth time I'm coming to your studio. Please don't tell me your manager still hasn't selected the female lead."

"I'm sorry director-nim it's not his fault. I'm being picky because this is one of my favorite songs so, I want the music video to be realistic and captivating. I don't think I can act genuinely with a stranger. I'll ask my manager to check with the old actors who acted in our previous music videos."

"No please don't do that. The co-actors are facing many issues because of the sasaengs. I don't think they would agree to act again in the BTS's music videos."

"Director-nim I'm sorry but I promise I will finalize the female lead by tomorrow."

As soon as the director leaves I call Seo Ah to explain what exactly had happened. Ji Eun picks the call with a fake voice.

"Hello, who is this?" she asks.

"Just give it to Seo Ah"

"I am Seo Ah. Who is this?"

"I know that this isn't Seo Ah. Just freaking give it to her"

We continued arguing for two whole minutes because I desperately wanted to talk to Seo Ah and explain everything. I clench my fist and scream.

"Omfg can you please give it to Seo Ah!"

"Not until you tell me who you are... this is the eleventh time I'm asking you"


"Well I did...it says you're 'Lil meow meow'."

"Wtf? Lil.. what? Ok seriously stop this bullshit and give it to her. I'm Yoongi."

After a long pause, I hear bubble sounds. I scream Seo Ah's name but, after two minutes the call gets cut.

Seo Ah's POV

I come out of the washroom and see Ji Eun slapping herself.

"Eun-ah you want help? I can slap you harder"

"Seo Ah please don't kill me. I repeat pleaseeeeee don't kill me"

"Ji Eun where's my AK-47? I guess I need to go buy black clothes for your funeral so hurry up and tell me."

"Actually...actually... Suga called you and...."

"Nooooo please don't tell me you picked it up and tortured that poor soul. My brother hates you because you did the same thing when he called for an extremely urgent issue."

"Hahaha... yea I kinda did that again but-"


"Umm... I threw it into the......f-f-fishbowl"

"INTO THE WHAT!!!" I yell at her.

Choi Ji Eun who was supposed to be my best friend and help me does nothing but annoy me. I hope Suga realized that it wasn't me. How am I going to contact him? I don't remember his number and I need to buy a new phone. If I don't get his number then I'm squishing this 23-year old mosquito that claims to be my manager.

Coming out of the store with my new phone in my hand I see Ji Eun squealing in the car. I ask her why she was so ecstatic.

"After begging the Baskin Robbins advertisement coordinator for almost two hours, and bribing him with a meal, he finally decided to disclose Suga's number" she states.

"Thank god! Is it the guy with a weird name? Kwak Dong Yeon right?"

"Yes yes, it's him. He was kind of cute though!"

Here we go, this is the millionth time she's calling a stranger cute. And I bet she's looking forward to meeting him, I mean she's looking forward to date him and after three moths break-up with him and later cry.

"Ji Eun I thought you were supposed to go for your 678th blind date"

"Nah! Chuck that. Imma make him fall in love with me. Just wait and watch Seo Ah"

(next day)

Ji Eun barges into my room with a wide grin and a fancy card in her hand. She speaks, "Seo Ah, I told the coordinator that I wanted to meet him often so, he invited us to the Baskin Robbins wrap-up party. By the way, we were talking about you. I mean...bitching about you hahaha"

"Of course, karma. Anyways, did you get Suga's number?"

"He said he can't reveal personal information so, he insisted you ask Suga in the wrap-up party yourself"

The amount of drama I have to go through just to get Yoongi's number. I hope he doesn't kill Ji Eun, this chaos started all because of my dear manager.

Suga's POV

Kwak Dong Yeon mails a card, inviting me to the wrap-up party. Hobi leans forward and reads it with me. He asks me if I was going and I answer, "Hobi I still haven't chosen a co-actor and the shoot needs to begin before Monday so, I'm not going"

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