The three had been stood in the line for what felt like hours, though it was probably only about 45 minutes.

Tommy squirmed in place, trying to be as discreet as possible. His bladder ached and his body screamed for release, but what could he do? 

If he went now, all of them would lose their place in line, and they had already been waiting for ages, he didn't want to be a bother.

Another fifteen minutes past, his need was getting unbearable. Tom desperatly swayed his body from left to right contemplating telling the others.

It wasn't long before his body began to make up his mind for him, a short spurt shot from him, dampening the front of his boxers.

"Shit.." He grumbled, shyly pressing a hand to his crotch and turning towards Wilbur.


"Yeah what's up?" He smiled, his deep brown eyes locking onto Tommy's hand.

"We've gotta go, I really um, need a piss."

He snorted.

"Excuses excuses, get your shit together because not only do we need this footage for the vlog, we've been in this line for an HOUR." He laughed, tapping the blonde on his shoulder.

The line moved forward as Tommy's face dropped.

"£15 please." Phil fiddled with his wallet and haned the man his money.

"Thank you sir, take your seats." 

The others stepped forwards onto the ride as Tommy stood in disbelief.

"Are you alright young man?" 

The voice woke him from his blank daydream, he tried his hardest to smile and nod before stepping forwards and sitting on the smiler.

It didn't take long for the same man to approach them, fastening the bar on the seats.

Tom lifted his arms and shakily uncrossed his legs as the bar was pressed between them. He let out a shaky breath and focused on keeping his pants dry.

The ride jolted forwards as he yelped. "YOU'LL BE ALRIGHT MATE!" Yelled Phil, obviously noticing something was up. 

Slowly but surely, the ride made it's way upwards. Tommy bit his lip, hard.

The smiler reached it's peak, slowing more before coming to a stop completely.

"Oh my god PLEASE tell me it hasn't broken down!" Phil groaned, looking over to the others.

Tommy's bladder spasmed, another leak let itself out without consent, the blonde began to panic.

"Shit I don't think- I can-AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

He got cutoff by the ride, violently tipping and going straight down at lighting speed, the youngest clamped his eyes shut, trying to hold back as fear consumed him and his body let go.

So here he was, going about 500mph IN THE AIR, and pissing his pants as he went. 

The ride came to a stop suddenly, Wilbur and Phil were smiling and laughing. Tommy sat still, his face redder than ever before, closely resembeling a ripe tomato. 

Tears pricked his eyes, he blinked hard as they ran down his cheeks.


He looked down at his soaked pants in disbelief, clasping a hand to his mouth to conceal his growing sobs.

Phil reached over, lifting him by his elbows and hugging him gently.

"Its alright, hey, it's fine Tommy it's completely okay." 

"Phil maybe go back to the car and see if there's any spare clothes and I'll take Tommy to the bathroom." 


Phil dropped his arms from the crying boy, giving his shoulder a quick sqeeze before jogging to whereabouts the car was.

Wilbur and Tommy found a bathroom right away, seeing as they were scattered all over the park. Wil stood outside of his stall, sighing with guilt. "I'm sorry, this was all my fault. I thought you were just bullshitting but..fuck man I'm so sorry."

A muffled voice came from inside. "Its okay, it's my fault too for not s-saying anything until it was too late.."

"TOMMY! WIL!" Could be heard from a distance, Wilbur hastily stepped outside, beckoning Phil to come.

"Here you go mate, you okay?" He worried, passing the clothes under the stall door.

He took a deep breath before replying. "Yup! I'm fine. Can we just..go home?" 

"Of course."


Thanks for reading, if anyone has any requests, leave them in the comments or message me:)!

Word count  - 1208

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