
You awoke to a screeching noise from outside your window. Gingerly, you rubbed your eyes and peered into the sunlight, making out the shape of Flo pearched on the window sill. You lifted the window open and Flo flew into the room, dropped a small package on your bed, then perched herself back on the small stand in your room.

You looked at the present cautiously before untying the ribbon around the box, and lifting the lid. Inside was a letter from you parents and enough magnificantly decorated bags for the little presents you bought everybody to go in. Carefully selecting each colour for each person, you slid the bewitched necklaces and bracelets, and leather cuffs into the bags and closed them yet again.

 There were now only a few days left until Christmas, and you made sure that you had everything prepared for the Christmas dinner. Yesterday you had snuck out of the burrow using a little bit of floo powder and the Weasley's fireplace. You had gone to get a massive turkey, and lots of potatoes, bread, cranberries, and all sorts of baking ingredients really early in the morning, so nobody knew. 

Yesterday when Fred and George woke up, you pulled George aside, and asked him if he could bewitch the closet in your room to be freezing cold. He was curious what you were up to, and when he asked why you needed it to be that cold, you just shrugged and said that you wanted to keep your feet numb cause they were starting to hurt. Really, you just wanted to keep the turkey and other things you bought from going bad.

The training with the group was going pretty well. You had taught them the basic attack and defenses, along with a few string attacks, which helps to keep an opponent extreamly confused, and unable to react.

You sighed leaving your room and gliding gracefully down the staircase, and into the rather small living area. Taking a seat in an old, torn up arm chair by the fire, you stared letting yourself get lost in thought, while the flames danced and twirled around the wooden logs that were charred black.

Harry cast a glance towards you, as he and Ron lowered themselves onto the sofa on the other side of the room. He turned his attention back to Ron as they started talking about Christmas, and all the stuff they hoped they got.

Mrs. Weasley called all the children to the table for breakfast, as she bewitched the butter to float around and stopping at anybody who wanted some. "Lovely day today." she smiled out the window. Even though it was freezing outside, and a nice thick blanket of snow covered the ground, it was a bright and quite a beautiful day. The sunlight sparkled off the snow, and made everything seem so much cheerier, and warmer.

The children of the household had fallen into a routine of eating breakfast, and then going outside to train for a bit.

You washed your dishes in the sink before heading back upstairs to change into one of your training outfits. Jumping the stairs, you skipped out into the snow, and began teaching some new defensive and offensive tactics of martial arts.

The group had spent hours training that day. They all panted after a sparring session with each other, in the end they all tried to take you on, but you beat them all easily. 

You smiled at the group all sprawled out in front of you. "Remember, I was brought up doing this. So don't be too surprised that I beat you all." you stated simply. Turning on your heel, leading the group into the house for dinner. The fact that everybody stayed outside in the cold for so long impressed you. 

The group all ate as if this was the first piece of food they've had in months. 

Quietly you finished your food, and snuck away from the table as the rest of the people in the house finished eating. You laid back onto the pillows, staring up at the ceiling. Your mind wandered as you drifted off into a dreamless sleep, the last thing you remember thinking of, was how Fred was acting so strange around you lately.


You woke up extreamly early Christmas morning. After doing your morning business, you stuffed all the things you hidden in the closet, into a massive bag, and hauled it downstairs so you could start baking and getting everything prepared for the dinner you were about to make for everybody. 

You smiled to yourself, tying your hair up and washing your hands before you started kneeding a dough, which you placed in a bowl on the counter so it could rise a bit. You placed batches of cookies in the oven to bake while you started making other treats.

It was now time to put in the turkey, which had to cook all day. 

You turned slightly when you heard rustling from the upstairs, it seemed Mrs. Weasley was awake now.

Nearly seconds after you heard her up stairs, she was in the kitchen, wide awake and ready to get breakfast started. "Oh, dear, you should have told me you were up, I would have made you breakfast!" she said surprised, usually nobody was up before her.

You smiled at her, "Actually I thought I could make breakfast today... You're always cooking or baking something, I thought I could give you a break..."

Mrs. Weasley smiled at you, deciding it was best not to argue she went over to one of the big arm chairs in the living room, lit a fire, and took a seat.

You smiled to yourself, you had noticed the whole time you were there, if Mrs. Weasley wasn't doing laundry, or scolding Fred and George for their pranks, she was in the kitchen making food.

After what seemed like hours, Harry, Ron and Hermione came down the stairs in a sleepy trance. "Morning..." they all croaked out at the same time, expecting Mrs. Weasley to respond with her usual chipper 'Oh good morning dears.' but were shocked when you responded.

"Morning." you said simply, placing a plate of Belgian waffles in front of each of them. You put a couple more waffles on an extra plate, decorated it with a bit of whip cream, a little bit of freshly made strawberry sauce and a few sliced up strawberries. Carefully you walked it over to the living room, and handed it to Molly. "Enjoy." you smiled at her kindly, before walking back into the kitchen.

The now strong smell of waffles was wafting all the way upstairs, drawing Fred, George, Ginny, and Arthur Weasley out of the beds, and down to the kitchen to see what smelt so good.

You handed them all plates with waffles on them, and mentally sighed to yourself happily as they scarfed down the waffles without a care in the world. 

Remembering it was about time to check the turkey, you walked over to the oven and opened the door. Putting oven gloves on, you pulled at the massive container, holding the delicious bird, and opened the lid to see how it was doing. Taking a baster, you sucked up a little bit of the juice, and drizzled it over the turkey. You added a bit of salt, and threw in a sliced lemon just to give it a bit more flavour. Closing the oven again, you turned to the sound of adult voices chatting in the door way.

You froze completely when the people, who you couldn't see just yet, sounded so very familiar, but you couldn't quite place it. They stepped into the house, and you smiled to yourself.

(A/N - I don't know when I'll be able to upload a new one. Next week I'm le busy with work, and concerts, and the week after that is my dad's birthday (April 18th.) and my birthday (April 20th)!! (Yay soon to be 21!!) Anyway, I'll update when I can!!)

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