BfGf/Best Friends

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So many of you are having BfGf and best friend or friends problems. I'm gonna tell you my opinion and if you don't agree don't hate!

Boyfriends/Girlfriends, you shouldn't let them come in between you and your friends or between you and your family. I know most of you think your in love and he or she is the one, but you shouldn't let them affect your relationship with your family. Your family is there for you no matter what while your significant other may not last very long. Your friends and family may not like them for a reason. They love you and care about you and don't want to see you hurt.

Best friends, they are not your mother or father! They DO NOT own you, you are your own person. The problem I see and hear about the most is your best friends controls your friends. Here;s an example (no specific names just made them up): Lets say Rebecka and Paige are best friends. Paige met a new girl Brittany, well Rebecka doesn't like Brittany and tells Paige she can't be friends with her.

I'm gonna tell you right here right now, Yea friends may have had a bad past so they don't like each other but that shouldn't effect your future with them. Okay so your best friend doesn't like your new friend, if she was your true friend she would be happy for you that you have a new friend and wouldn't try to control you. Girls are so mean like for real. Stop talking shit on each other and focus on your family and school. All these little immature teens that are in the middle of the drama are ridiculous. Get other yourselves because after high school your gonna look back and wonder why you wasted your time focusing on drama when you could have been focusing on school. #RealTalk

Sorry had to rant and I guess I'm more mature than most teens. I'm blunt and how to tell you how it is. I had to grow up fast. Pm me anytime sweethearts!

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