Chapter 21: your name will be...

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Little time skip (9 months)
Note: I made changes so the tournament of universe 7 against universe 6 will be tomorrow (in the story)
It's been a couple months in which Bra, Avoca, and his offsprings didn't stop training including Goku and Vegeta who went back to the god of destructions planet to train, every morning before Avoca eats he trains to literal death against his clones untill 21 and bra tell him that breakfast is ready.  Avoca stopped training too hard and instead focused on being around 21 and bra more. But while training Avoca thought of something, could he make his own transformation

Avoca: (mind) would it work?

???: (Mind) no clue

Avoca: (mind) I'll try it after 21 gives birth just in case

???: (Mind) that's a smart idea, you would most likely lose control

Avoca got back to training but he wasn't satisfied with his power, he wanted to go beyond, Avoca started to transform, first super Saiyan then super Saiyan 2 and finally super Saiyan 3 to it's entire glory however Avoca kept going, he didn't want to stop he wanted to see the results of his training, his hair color started to change, it was being swapped between a golden yellow and a dark red, but Avoca didn't want to lose control so he tried to use his evil energy to gain a little more control since his evil energy also wanted to create a new transformation but what they didn't realize was that the evil energy was being merged with Avoca's super Saiyan aura and hair which created a new transformation with the golden super Saiyan hair and with some parts dark red, and one of his eyes green while the other was normal color (dark brown)

Aspara: father?!.....

Avoca: (ignores) this power is incredible, it shocks me to know that this isn't even close to my full power, hehe I guess I'll have to wait in order to see my full power

Avoca powered down to base and looked around, he saw creators from all the fighting to death, he also saw his son looking at him so he flew towards him

Avoca: let's go, food's probably ready

Aspara: ....o-ok

They flew back home

Goku: Vegeta did you sense that?!

Vegeta: no shit kakarot, that was all I could sense!!

Goku: ok, geez it was only a question!

Vegeta: it was a stupid question that's what that was!

Whis: alright now you two settle down and let's continue training or else you'll never beat Avoca

(Beerus woke up and walked over to whis)

Beerus: was that power I sensed from that other Saiyan who killed Frieza?

Whis: I see, that power woke you up, yeah it was from Avoca

Beerus: interesting, if he keeps getting this strong then he might be a good training partner, anyway gimme fuud!


Avoca finished eating and was now washing the dishes while 21 tried to stop him because she wanted to wash them

21: let me do it, go train

Avoca: go sit down and watch something, I used them so I should wash them

21' please! Let me wash them!

Avoca realized that 21 took it as her job to take care of me in every way possible, just like how he wanted to be the strongest in order to protect her

Avoca: fine (moves out of her way), you sure?

21: yes, go train, don't worry to much (grabs his arm and pulls him close), thanks for everything

Avoca: (hugs her) don't thank me, it's my job to make you happy

After this 21 started washing the dishes while Avoca went outside to meditate, Avoca found a nice and quiet place to meditate in the forest, he sat down and started his mental training, Avoca started to remember more of his past

?: Please don't hurt her, hurt me, kill me! But don't hurt her

Avoca: don't worry I'll make it quick for the both of you, and your entire race as well, then your planet will become space dust!

Avoca then proceeded to pierce the man's chest and pulled his heart out with his left hand while he used his right hand to designated the body with a little kid blast

Avoca: now it's your turn!                      (Laughs manically)

?: please no!

Avoca got closer and closer until he was a couple inches away from her, he looked down on her

Avoca: I'm going to enjoy this

Avoca punched the girl's head against the wall which completely squashed her head, only pieces of the woman's brain remained

Avoca: this race is so pathetic they don't even have decent technology

Avoca continued to destroy the planet while killing the inhabitants, after a while Avoca got bored and decided to end it already, he flew up to the planet's amostshpere, Avoca used his evil power to breathe in space while he charged one of his attacks, a huge supernova, Avoca threw it against the planet which completely disintegrated it.

Avoca then stopped remembering his past because bra was calling him

Avoca: (runs over to her) what?!

Bra: I think it's time

Avoca: what? Time for what?

Bra: I think 21 is going to give birth you Dumbo

Avoca: oooh, ok, (went inside)

Avoca picked 21 up and flew her over to the hospital where she was going to give birth. Once the baby was born Avoca carried it first or should I say "carried her first", he carried her while she cried but after a couple seconds she looked at him and calmed down

21: she's beautiful, what should her name be?

Avoca: mhmmm...

21: ...

Avoca: how about 22

21: what?

Avoca: 22..

21: you sure, I like it but she wasn't created by gero so it wouldn't really fit in

Avoca: yeah that's true, then what should her name be?

Doctor: you two didn't think of this before, what Terrible parents

Avoca: one more word out of you that's not kind, and you'll be out the window

Doctor: (gulps) ....

21: how about Acova?

Avoca: that one would be great but the writer is going to mess my name and her name up so let's think of another one

21: true, very true

Avoca: how about mint

21: mint? Why mint?

Avoca: idk, I like it also the writer is writing this at like 4 in the morning so he can't think of anything else, so her name will be mint

21: I like it too, well let's go

Doctor: ma'am you need to recover first!

21: don't worry I'm an android So I think I'm good, well I was good after I gave birth to my other kids, well bye

Avoca broke the window and they jump out the window and flew back to their house but they sensed visitors

Avoca: (mind) kakarot......what did you do now?
Bye end of chapter...........

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