Chapter 2 - Fifth Year

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"Freddie!" Angelina called in a bubbly tone coming over to Fred, we were all sitting in the common room in front of the fire. "I haven't seen you all summer, do you want to go for a walk?" Fred got up and gave her a hug which made me feel... jealous? No, probably just weird seeing him be affectionate. I looked away and into the fire because it didn't feel right to watch.

"We're in the middle of something right now, I'll get lunch with you tomorrow though?" He asked, sweetly. I could already hear the mockery once she left, of course I would join in.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." She sang. Once she left, I fell into George's arms dramatically.

"Ooh, Georgie!" I mocked.

"My sweet Ally!" He swooned. "I don't know what I would do without you." George, Lee and I all burst into laughter while Fred just looked over us.

"Shut up." Fred laughed, rolling his eyes. "Just because you guys can't get a date."

"Oh, Freddie.. I could get anyone I want." I straightened up, smiling confidently and putting my hands on my hips. "I mean, have you seen me?" I gave him my best flirty smile.

"She's got you there." Lee laughed. "How many guys asked you out last year, Ally?"

"I lost count." I gave a cocky laugh, obviously joking around.

"Yet you have no one." Fred raised his eyebrows. "Why's that, huh?"

"Well, I don't want to settle for just anyone." I explained. "I need someone who likes me for me."

"I'm sure Malfoy likes you for your personality too." George teased me. "You've got to be pure blooded to be his type though." He said pure blooded in a mocking tone.

"Then you're his type, maybe you should ask him out." I winked at George who responded by pretending to vomit. "My grandma was a muggle so I'm not pureblooded." I nodded and grinned. "I'm safe."

"I'm curious, do you have a mother?" Lee asked me, suddenly. I never really talk too much about myself to the boys, just because my life was not interesting in the slightest.

"No, I don't." I explained, in a carefree tone. "I was raised by a house elf and my dad."

"A house elf?" George asked me, perplexed. "Aren't you from a pretty poor family?" I nodded.

"Lopsy was freed from an awful family but still wanted to work." I smiled. "So my dad took her in, she taught me how to read and cook and clean."

"How have we never known this?" Fred asked me, amazed.

"You never ask me much about my childhood." I laughed. "It's not that interesting though, I had no friends and I read a lot."

"Did your mum die when you were young?" Lee asked me. "I mean.. you don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

"It's okay." I laughed. "I don't know anything about my mother, I mean.. I want to ask my dad but the one time I asked him he changed the subject immediately." I shrugged. "So I just assumed something awful happened and he didn't want to talk about it." I explained. They seemed so interested in my life, I always listened to their problems with their families but I've never vented to them before. I guess I feel like I need to be grateful for the life my dad works so hard for.

"You should ask him again." George told me. I felt a little awkward talking about this, like I almost shouldn't be. I'm probably just not used to it.

"Hm.. maybe I don't need to know." I shrugged and got up, stretching. "I might head to bed, I'm knackered."

That night, I was thinking about so many things, to the point I was overthinking. I was remembering what had happened on the train and started to worry a little bit. Why was a serial killer trying to get into Hogwarts? Was he wanting to hurt a student? Or maybe a teacher? What if the dementors try to hurt me again? I mean, they are surrounding the castle after all.. What if Sirius Black ended up coming to the castle, I got in his way and he killed me. I really couldn't sleep that well because of all of these thoughts spinning around in my head.

The first day of classes began and I was exhausted. I kept waking up at night and I probably only got about four hours of proper sleep. I could only really focus on classes so I wasn't joining in on much of what the boys were saying as we walked to our next class.

"What's wrong?" Fred nudged me.

"Hm?" I looked up. "I just didn't sleep well last night."

"But you went to bed so early?" He looked confused.

"Did you get upset that I was asking about your mum?" Lee asked as if he did the worst thing imaginable.

"No, that was fine." I laughed. "I just felt a bit awkward since I'm not used to talking about it." I shrugged and smiled.

"What's wrong then?" George nudged me, they really knocked me around a lot.

"I couldn't stop thinking about the dementor and Sirius Black." I explained, nervously. "I just couldn't get to sleep and when I did, I kept waking up thinking about it attacking me."

"Don't worry, your big strong brothers are here to protect you." Fred puffed out his chest and went over to George to put his arm over his shoulder, leaving out Lee. "We aren't beaters for nothing." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"You guys still look pretty skinny and weak." I acted if their strength was nothing and stuck my nose up at them. "I think, I'll just stick around Lee, he seems stronger than you two." I linked my arm with Lee. "He may just be the commentator but I think you two are just all talk."

"I'm glad you appreciate me." Lee laughed and the twins just looked so annoyed. We saw Malfoy being escorted to the hospital wing while whimpering like a baby.

"What's that git gone and done now?" Fred spat.

"Hopefully he's broken something." I grinned. "Might've knocked some sense into him."

"Ally." I heard my dad's voice say from behind me. "Are these your friends that I've heard so much about?" I turned and smiled, unlinking my arm from Lee's so there were no misunderstandings. I introduced them all to each other.

"Nice to meet you all." My dad said to them. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter all these years."

"Don't thank them." I said before they could even say anything back to him. "They're going to be awful students."

"Oh really?" He asked, curiously.

"The worst you've ever had." Fred nodded with the most delighted look in his eyes, my dad laughed in reply.

"At least you're honest." He grinned, giving a small nod.

"I told them not to go easy on you." I chuckled to which he smiled at me in a somewhat proud way.

"I can't wait." He winked. "Try not to cause too much trouble on the way to your next class." He said and walked off.

"Your dad's pretty cool." Lee complimented. "I hope his classes aren't boring, I hated Defence Against the Dark Arts last year."

"Well what do you expect?" I grinned, and nudged him as we walked to our next classes. "Look how I turned out."

"Why have we never met him before?" George said, confused. He was almost always busy when I came to the train station so I just went by myself. "You've met all of our parents!"

"I've been hiding him from you." I winked.

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