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Excitement filled my body as I entered Platform 9 and 3/4 with my father. I was finally starting at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! My dad assured me that I would make a lot of friends when I got sorted into my house. I have never had any friends before so I was really looking forward to making even one friend instead of being in the middle of nowhere with just my books and imagination.

"Will you still love me if I'm not sorted into Gryffindor?" I asked, in a small voice. A smile grew on his scarred face as he put his hand on the top of my head, ruffling my hair.

"Ally.. I will always love you, even if you get sorted into Slytherin." He smiled, with amusement in his eyes.

"I hope I'm a Gryffindor, just like you dad!" I put a fist in the air with pride. "I'll write to you when I find out."

"Make sure you study hard." He nodded, proudly. "But don't be afraid to pull a few of your pranks on a certain potions teacher." I always enjoyed playing pranks and joking around with my dad, he was always tired from work so I liked to cheer him up.

"Ooh!" I sang. "Is he an old school friend?"

"I wouldn't say a friend." He chuckled. "Go get on the train, I'll see you over Christmas."

"Okay!" I said, jumping with excitement. "Don't forget about me and write to me heaps!" He pulled me into his embrace and rubbed my back.

"How could I forget you?" He pulled away, smiling from ear to ear. "I love you!"

"Love you too!" I ran to the train door and waved at him.

I found an empty compartment on the train and organised myself. Maybe I should have found someone to sit with but I was honestly too nervous, I don't even know how to make friends... I got out a book and began to read.

"Let's just sit in here, there's nowhere else to sit." Someone exclaimed, coming into the compartment. I looked up and it was two identical boys with red hair.

"Hello." I said, making little to no eye contact.

"Can we sit with you?" One of them asked me, with a warm smile and I nodded. "Are you a first year too?"

"Yes!" I nodded. "I'm Ally Lupin."

"Fred Weasley." He responded, sitting down. "Pleasure to meet you."

"And I'm George Weasley." The other boy said. They had a very charismatic and confident aura about them.

"Nice to meet you both!" I said, feeling more confident. I haven't met many people in my life because we have always lived in a very secluded area in the country so it was really exciting meeting people. "What house do you think you two will get into?"

"Well, our whole family is in Gryffindor so we were thinking of asking to be put in Slytherin." George jested.

"Just to see our parent's reactions." Fred added, grinning.

"Oh, but I heard that Slytherin's are really mean." I said, a little worried.

"Well, that works out perfectly for us." Fred said with a scheming face.

"That means we can mess with them as much as possible." George added with a similar look which made me laugh a little bit.

"Maybe we should be friends so I stay safe from your pranks." I smiled at them, my heart was racing. I don't even know why I was so nervous.. Maybe they wouldn't want to be my friend..

"It's a deal." George grinned. "But only if you join in with our mischief."

"I think I can work that into my schedule." I beamed. I just made two friends! "I do love mischief."

"You will be a great asset to our team." Fred assured. I looked at him happily.

After a long train ride, all first years were brought to boats to go across a big lake. I was amazed at how big the castle is and I thinking about how easy it would be to get lost. George came close to me which gave me a small fright.

"You reckon I should throw him overboard?" He whispered to me.

"Oh, definitely." I laughed. "Can he swim?"

"Hm... he's pretty stupid so probably not." George replied.

"You know I can hear every word you're saying?" Fred chimed in.

"I know." George grinned at him.

"Before we begin the feast, first years will need to be sorted into their houses." The lady who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall told the hall. After a few people had been sorted, a Slytherin, two Hufflepuff's and a Ravenclaw, Fred's name was called out. He hopped up to the stall, confidently and the Sorting Hat immediately called out Gryffindor. "George Weasley." She called and the exact same thing happened. "Ally Lupin." She called out. I was terrified, I even saw the teachers looking at me more intently than most of the other children, some even whispered to each other, but then again it could have just been my nerves making me imagine things. I ran up to the stool and the Sorting Hat was placed on my head.

"Oh... you're a hard one aren't you?" The hat said. I expected it to call it out right away. "You could be a Slytherin just like your ancestors... but you're definitely more like your father..... I'll put you in.. Gryffindor!" I took a giant sigh of relief. I didn't know my ancestors were Slytherins? I walked over and sat down next to Fred and there were three other boys who looked very similar to Fred and George, maybe they were their brothers?

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