training after class

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And so Wanda is doing good in some of her classes during lunch she buys her food with the money that Steve gave her when she first arrived at the x mansion then tries to find a table when alot of the tables when she finally finds a table and goes to it and eats her food as she's eating a boy with blue skin with a tail and three finger on both of his hands walks over to her and introduces himself as Kurt

And so Wanda is doing good in some of her classes during lunch she buys her food with the money that Steve gave her when she first arrived at the x mansion then tries to find a table when alot of the tables when she finally finds a table and goes ...

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Kurt: you must be the new girl I'm Kurt you seemed lonely would you be ok if I joined you?

Wanda looks at Kurt

Wanda: yea I'd like that

Kurt sits down in front of Wanda

Wanda: so what brings you to this school?

Kurt: I'm here for the same reason as the everyone else here I'm a mutant

Wanda: what kind of gifts do you have?

Kurt: I teleport

Wanda: yea?

Kurt: yea what kind of gifts do you have?

Wanda: that's honestly something I've been trying to understand

And she shows some of her magic from one of her hands

Kurt: oh that's interesting

And so Kurt and Wanda continue the conversation that they're having for a bit till lunch was over and they both get to class and after both classes for the day she goes to her dorm to relax and she ends up reading a book till someone knocks on the door to Wanda's dorm and so she goes to the door and answers it to see Rouge at the door and she ends up greeting herself

Rouge: hi you must be the new girl here Wanda right?

Wanda: yes I am

Rouge: it's nice to meet you I'm Rouge

Wanda: nice to meet you Rouge so what brings you here?

Rouge: professor Charles would like to see and also i wanted to say hi and introduce myself to you

Wanda: do you know what for?

Rouge: your gonna have to go to him and find out

Wanda: do you know where he is?

Rouge: I'm going to be taking you to him

And so Rouge takes Wanda down to where Charles would which is down in the basement area where the x men's base of operations kind of like how Batman has the batcave under wayne manor and when they get downstairs Wanda looks around surprised to find out about the room and everything and Charles makes his to the two ladies from the wired helmet that he would use to try to track people down and sees Rouge and Wanda standing by the door to the room that Charles was just coming from

Charles: thank you for bringing Wanda here Rouge

Rouge: not a problem Professor

And so Rouge leaves and let's Wanda and Charles talk

Wanda: so why did you want to see me sir?

Charles: that I was about to explain accidentally

Wanda: ok

Charles: I think that you have potential to do great things with your gifts you just would need some help controlling it maybe you can even join the x men

Wanda: the x men?

Charles explains what the x men are about to Wanda

Charles: after all I also tried Scott and Jean myself and I'm sure they would be happy to help train you

Wanda: ok then

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