"Okay, Hardin. Thanks for not complaining," I joke as I kiss him and get out of bed to go get ready for the day.

As we drive from the cabin and into town, I see the cutest shops. We park at the end of the street. I make Hardin walk down the sidewalk with me so I can window shop at all the stores on the block.

I see an antique store that I want to look at. "Let's go in here," I call to Hardin as he finally catches up to me.

When I walk into the store, I look at all the interesting things they have in amazement. I start walking from aisle to aisle with Hardin dragging slowly behind me.

"Look at this cool lamp, Hardin."

"What's so cool about it? It's a lamp."

"There's no need to be so grumpy."

"But Tess, we've been shopping for hours," he whines.

"Oh! Look at this painting! Isn't it pretty?"

"No. It looks like... Well, I don't know what the fuck it looks like, but it's ugly."

"Shh! The shopkeepers will hear you."

"Good. I'm ready to go."

"Well, I'm buying this stuff for the apartment."

"What? Why?"

"Because I've been living there a month already and it still looks like two college guys live there. It needs a woman's touch."

"That's fine, but buy some stuff that's not hideous then."

"And what would you pick then?"

"How about that?" he says as he points behind me.

"Hardin, that's a compass. What are we going to do with a compass?"

"I don't know. I thought it looked cool. It'd make a great tattoo." He smirks.

"Then go get a tattoo of it. In the meantime, I'm buying this stuff," I huff and walk to the counter to pay.

"Why do you always have to be so damn difficult, woman?"

"Because that's who I am and I know you love me for it." I grin up at him.

"You're lucky I do. Who else would put up with all your sass?" he asks as he follows me to the cashier.

"I'm sure I could find someone who wouldn't mind kissing my sassy mouth." I smirk.

"Oh no! You and that mouth are all mine," he says as he possessively kisses me.

The woman at the counter rings up my items and Hardin helps me carry them back to the car.

As we're walking to the car, something catches my eye in the window of a book store.

"Take this to the car, please? I'll catch up to you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I just want to look in this store for a minute."

"Fine, but don't bring anymore ugly shit home," he jokes as he walks back to the car.

I enter the book store and immediately go to grab the book I saw on display in the window. I pick it up, unable to believe my eyes. It's a copy of Wuthering Heights with the exact same cover I've been trying to find, but have been unable to.

I felt so bad when Hardin gave me my heart charm for an anniversary gift and I didn't have anything to give him. But this book would be the perfect gift.

I take the book to the counter to pay for it and hide it in my purse before I get back to the car. I open the car door and get in.

"What? You didn't buy anything?"

"Oh, nope. They didn't have anything I liked," I lie.

"Good. I was worried we'd have to find a spot for a hideous rug or something," he chuckles.

"Yeah, well, some of us like a little colour in our life. We can't all go through it wearing only black, like you," I say as I shove his shoulder.

"Whatever you say, baby. Are we ready to go back to the cabin now?"

"Yes. Thanks for taking me shopping. I just wish you wouldn't have complained so much."

Hardin starts the car and begins to drive us back to the cabin.

"Don't worry. I'll make it up to you later," he says as he squeezes my thigh and then moves his hand up it.

"Hands off, mister," I say and swat his hand away. "It's almost 4 and we still have to get ready."

"You know, we don't have to go. I'm sure we could find something more fun to do," he says as he looks over at me and grins.

"We're going. And if it goes well, maybe I'll reward you later." I smirk.

"Okay! I guess we're going then."

"You're so easily persuaded," I laugh.

"Only by you."

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