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I got on my bike as fast as I could and started it again. I turned around and sped past them, almost forgetting my helmet, but I managed to swipe it before the truck halted to a stop, right before it hit the cement wall.

The people in the truck shouted at each other loud enough that I could hear them on the level below them. Clearly I was being targeted, but what kept bothering me is what I said to Cam.

I didn't mean any of that. I've never felt anything like what I feel with her, and I don't know how to handle it. I don't deserve it.

If she knew the things Ive done, she'd despise me.

Pushing those thoughts back to the back of my mind, I snapped myself back to reality, and realized the people in the truck are still following me. Even as I've just turned off onto the main road.

I checked in my mirrors and turned into a back lane as fast as I could, drifting so hard my bike and me were almost parallel with the ground.

The truck missed the turn and kept going straight, so I kept following the back lane, driving around slow cars on the main road. We both picked up speed, although it took the big truck a little more time to get around people.

I turned down another street and they followed in pursuit, this time, someone swung out the truck window with a gun and put a fake police siren on the top of the truck. They then started rapid firing at me as I swerved around cars and managed to turn down yet another less busy road.

I thought hard about what to do.. I cant just keep driving around the city. Maybe I'll head to a public space.

I turn back onto the main road and head to one of the closest shopping centres. Surely there'll still be people around, even at this time of night. They stop shooting as soon as I turn onto a main road, too busy for them.

I pulled into a large mall and quickly ran inside before the group in the truck could get out.

I walked into a store that sold fancy dish ware, and pretended to look around, as in hiding and taking a minute to breathe. I fixed my hair and adjusted my clothes.

"Excuse me.." I asked one of the employees, she was short and looked very tired. She looked startled when I approached her, maybe because i'm still in my work clothes, AKA, a bunch of weapons and protective gear. "Could you help me find something?" I shoot her a smile.

"Ah, um, yes! What are you looking for?" She questioned timidly.

"Do you happen to have any mugs with seasonal designs on it?" I asked cheerfully. The opposite of how I was feeling.

"Right over here sir." She led me to a bunch of mugs with cheesy sayings on them like 'Spring is in the air!' and 'Allergy season!" with little designs and funny faces on them.

"Thank you! I have another question though." I asked as I heard lots of footsteps approach in this somewhat desolate shopping mall.

"I'm being followed right now, could you hide me somewhere until I can call someone or get help. If anyone asks, I wasn't here." I blurt quicker than I thought I could speak.

"Uh, oh yes, um come this way. Quickly." She gestured to the back room as the footsteps I heard earlier grew quicker and louder.

She opened the door to the back storage room and then closed it on me, before giving me a small wave of good luck.

Another employee was unpacking boxes and noticed me, but I couldn't pay him much attention. I listened in as the group from the truck entered the small pottery store.

"Hi! How can I help you gentlemen?" The employee from earlier spoke.

"You can help me by tellin' me where that red haired kid went." A mans voice piped up. I recognized it. Morrow. I wonder what he did to get out of an arrest this time.

"I'm sorry sir, I haven't seen someone with red hair. You can ask security at the east doors?" The lady continued, trying to sound as confident as she could.

"Hey!" A sudden voice startled me. The other employee unpacking boxes tapped me on the shoulder. "You can't be back here sir."

"I'm trying not to get kidnapped, so give me a minute." I responded and the employee backed off, still keeping an eye on me obviously, as I can feel his gaze.

"I saw him come this way, he's gotta be here somewhere." Another voice chimed in. The scrawny guy.

"You must be mistaken." The lady responded, voice clearer than before.

"Sorry, but we need to find this guy, we're checking your back room." Morrow muttered gruffly, heavy footsteps coming closer to the door.

"You can't go in there sir! Employees only. That's prohibited." I admired the lady's efforts, but they are the type of people to not stop until they got what the wanted. And what they wanted, was me dead.

Many voices arose and a banging on the door began.

"Hey do guys have a back door? Leading outside." I asked the other employee.

"I'm a little busy right now." He side eyed me.

"I'm sorry but I need to leave, like right now. Do you have a back door?"

"To your right."

"Great.. you got a key for it?" The banging became louder, like they were kicking the door.

"Here.." He reached into his pocket and grabbed the key, handing it to me with an open palm. "Bring it back please."

"Will do!" I turned on my heel and made my way to the door, fumbling with the key until I unlocked it just as they broke down the door.

"You-!" Morrow shouted and I cut him off.

"See ya! And thank you!" I yelled to the lady and threw the keys back at the employee and he caught it as I turned around the corner and made a run for the other side of the building where my bike was parked.

I got on my bike and got back onto a main road. I continued on the road, constantly checking my mirrors, as the paranoia kicked in. But they weren't behind me.

I turned onto a different road as the truck from before came speeding at me, going the opposite direction. I yelled in surprise and swerved to avoid hitting it, but ended up hitting a fire hydrant.

The smell of gas lingered in the air. But before any fire could start the fire hydrant erupted with water spewing everywhere.

The group parked their car as I tried to stand and steady myself. I couldn't. My arms felt heavy and my voice failed to clear. The smell of gas invaded my lungs and made my eyes water. I sat on the ground, holding my head, trying to muster up the strength to even hold my own weight.

My bikes probably fucked now. I hope my mom has insurance. Because the whole front side is completely smashed.

I looked up to see Morrow standing before, much taller than my crunched up form on the ground.

He was the last thing I saw before my eyes got to heavy to hold up anymore.

The Callahan Archives (In The Shadows)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें