A half shifted man was on the ground. Quincy walked out in a fighting stance and her fangs showed. Her head turned to me then back at the man. Just like my vision. She was mad you could feel the energy radiating from her. The man slowly shifted back to his human form. Was that a Lycan?

"Quincy?" I heard my daughter's voice as she also witnessed the scene before her.

More people come on the opposite side. Arseni and his friends showed up and they all saw Quincy heaving showing she was tired but her eyes were still scarlett showing her anger. When the Eriks boy showed up he looked between the man who was looking straight at Quincy and then looked back at Quincy and saw her anger. His eyes changed to midnight black just like Shane's when he is mad.

"What happened? Who is this?" Arseni points at the man.

"I'm guessing..." Quincy, or more like her monster says with her voice showing she was struggling to breathe. "one of yours." She replies.

"His scent is not familiar." The Mila girl says.

Eriks steps forward as the energy seemed to get thicker by the minute.

"Eriks?" Wynter says next to me. Eriks doesn't pay attention and continues to stalk at his prey. I've never seen him look like this before considering he is always flirting with everyone.

"Let him be. Let him have this." Arseni speaks first.

Quincy's attention turns from the man to Wynter and then her eyes were back to their dark blue. She was about the fall when Shane went to catch her in his arms. She was worn out.

The man got to his feet and suddenly fear was written in his features. He saw the Lycan stalking towards him and he started walking back from him. He shifted again and I removed myself from the way as he started running from him. Eriks smirks and follows him.

"What is he going to do?" I ask.

"Probably kill him for touching Quincy." One of them says. I don't even know if I should call them boys because they are centuries older than me too.

But this Eriks kid cares about Quincy that much? His reaction is the same reaction Shane would've had if it was me in her position. I'll say he gets my blessing.

Right now we are back in Eriks' room. We thought Quincy should stay there. Though Wynter said she could stay with her, Arseni insisted it's better if her scent covered his room, to calm him. We made a promise to Holden, he would go nuts if he knew his daughter just got attacked.

Arseni and Eriks were not here so I thought I should ask the question no one was asking.

"How come you didn't recognize that man?" I ask Mila.

"Well, it could only mean he was an outsider." She replies.

"It seems like whoever sent him knew there was a vampire here." Shane comments.

"Maybe, but our enemies do not aim at vampires. They aim at our mates." Viktor said. His accent was stronger than the others.

"Then why didn't they attack Wynter? I'm not saying they should but she is mated to one of you. Why specifically her?" Zafirah asks.

"Wynter and Arseni haven't been public about their relationship as they were, there are low chances people know they are mated. Also, our mates are fighters, no one ever dared to touch them unless they are alone." Andrei speaks this time.

"But even so, they are not mates." I comment.

"True but, she smells strongly of him and Lycans believe in second chance mates." Nikita says.

"So my niece was attacked because she is believed to be a Lycan's mate? Yeah Holden is going to go nuts." I say crossing my arms.

"I don't think we should tell him that right away." Shane says.

I look at him in disbelief.

"You really want to go there again?" Last time they kept Holden in the dark ended with them fighting and I almost killed my friend, Lydia.

"No pecas. Holden would take the first flight here without thinking about how his kingdom is holding up. Not to mention, the vampire King is endangered around so many Lycans." Shane says. Okay that's a good point.

"You know Spanish is really hot. What does that word mean?" Viktor's girlfriend asks.

"Iyubov.." Viktor warns. I shake her comment off. How does she have time for that when there's my niece here with scars and she makes jokes?

"Well, looks like you're gonna see him soon." Zafirah says.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Vlad proceeded in calling all the royals. There'll be here in a week." She says.

"Wait how did you know that? They didn't tell us anything." Alyona speaks.

"Because they are on their way right here. I can hear their thoughts." My sister seriously won't stop invading people's minds.

I gave her a warning look and she just tried to look at anything but me. Of course. And I wonder why she and Greyson get along.

I turned my head to look at Wynter. She didn't seem affected by any of this. Her friend is unconscious but she wasn't showing any emotion. That's not like my daughter at all.

"You're a mind reader? That's new level awesome." Mila says.

"And she should stop." I give her a warning look and she returns it with puppy dog eyes.

As if on cue, Eriks enters the room with his eyes now back to their normal colour. Though he smelled like blood.

"How is she?" He asks as he crouches down on one knee to hold her hand.

"Good actually, she's dreaming." Zafirah says.

"This is all my fault." He says looking at her.

Shane's eyes move to mine.

"I have mixed feelings about this." He says through mindlink.

"Only Holden holds the last word. We'd be bad people if we were to do that to her." He turns his head back to Quincy. She looked very peaceful and her scars were fading. They have it so easy meanwhile I heal like a human. Not fair.

I heard chatter coming from outside the door and then Vlad entered the room with an unknown man and Arseni.

"How is she doing?" Vlad says as soon as he enters.

"She's healing." I reply.

"Very strong vampire I must say. Not every vampire can single handedly fight a Lycan and have so little scratches." The man next to him says.

He might not know she is a royal.

"Other than that, Drake threatened someone he thought was Eriks' mate. Someone in this castle is a traitor." Arseni changes the topic.

"Is the man dead?" I ask. The unknown man's eyes turn to me. He looked to be calculating something.

"Not yet. We're getting answers first." Eriks replies.

"I'll be joining you. I have something that could convince him to talk." Shane comments.

Wynter has been awfully quiet. She doesn't say anything, she isn't trying to see if her friend was okay. She loves Quincy. Something smells fishy.


Hey readers. I hope you are having a great summer or winter wherever you are. Here's a chapter for ya!


Enraged: Rise Of The Lycan QueenWhere stories live. Discover now