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it had been exactly one month since y/n officially resigned from being a hero. they had managed to find a cheap apartment in the ghost city, city z . moving into a ghost city would make less drama in case a hero found them living in a more popular area. it was also ideal nobody would find out they lived here of all places.

y/n looked out their partially broken apartment window at the papers flying through the town. that's when they decided to go outside to have a look. a hand was reach out to grab a flyer and they mentally read what it said.


y/n never cared much about money but they grew curious about this hero hunter. was this man a vigilante like them that had morals? or was it another villain that only wished harm upon people?

they decided to try to find this hero hunter themselves, hopping onto a bus which was on route to q city, one of the highest cities with disaster level. hero action was almost guaranteed to be there which could attract the attention of garou.

soon enough, y/n got off the bus and had breakfast at a nearby restaurant in the city. once they finished their food they stepped out the entrance. almost suddenly, a yell came from someone that seemed to be in the street.

" hero hunter! i know you are strong but if you put your hands any further on my comrade vine man, i will be forced to intervene for justice! vine man goes out of his way to help the citizens here, leave him alone!" a familiar determined voice shouted out.

( A/N: vine man is a made up hero by me and not canon. )

you followed the voice and were brought to the scene. the man who was yelling was mumen rider, one of the only heroes you respected. he had a kind heart and you felt like that's something more people should have. vine man wasn't as devoted as mumen rider but he still had a nice heart too.

" oh shut up, bike boy. i wouldn't doubt you're only protecting him because you're all
the same way." the grey-haired man that you assumed to be garou got in a fighting position.

garou certainly didn't seem evil but it still seemed as if he thought all heroes were the same by default. sure, this was true for a lot of them but there are also people like mumen. you can beat up the bad guys all you want but don't involve the good-hearted folk.

the hero hunter reminded you of what you could be if you weren't careful assessing each situation of evil and good. if you go too far being a vigilante, you could hurt or maybe kill someone you would never want to.

you figured you had to do something. you stepped in and blasted yellow flames at garou. this type of fire doesn't burn people alive but instead paralyzes them. your intention wasn't to hurt garou so this was a smart calculation.

unfortunately, the male pushed himself back before the fire could hit. when he opened his eyes, he started chuckling.

" heh another hero?"

" heh another hero?"

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