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Y/n POV:

Your name is Y/n L/n and you were waiting for Hope Peak Academy to accept you there. Surprisingly you were accepted and blew up with happiness.You started running through your room somehow getting on the ceiling aswell.You are the Ultimate Ninja after all!You worked very hard to practice your skills as the Ultimate Ninja.Your father was very optimistic about it.He helped you for years starting at the age of 6.People would be scared on how fast and dangerous you are.You know how to handle a gun and a knife in a 1v1 combat situation.Training wasn't easy thought.It was very rough and tiring,but now you are going to Hope Peak Academy which was awesome!

When you arrive,you started making slow steps because you were nervous.You had this weird feeling in your stomach that something bad was gonna happend but you decide to ignore it.After entering the building you felt your head getting lighter resulting to you fainting.

You woke up on a sunny beach.While opening your eyes you see a very pale boy with a concerned face."Are you okay?"he said softly."Yes, I'm alright.Where are we and why are we here?"you ask curiously."I honestly have no idea.Im Nagito Komaeda!"."Ah, I'm Y/n L/n!Nice to meet'cha!".You get up shaking the sand off of you.You are wearing a black hoodie,a nice pair of jean shorts with a survival belt that contained a knife,a deagle,some bullets and some bandaids.You soon see other students on the island apparently being your classmates."Y/n?"Nagito said making you flinch."Yes?"."What's your ultimate?"."I'm the Ultimate Ninja!What about you?"."That's such a cool ultimate compared to mine! I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."Don't say that!I think it's a nice Ultimate!"."Thank you,Y/n.But some trash like me should not be complimented this much"."I'm gonna go introduce myself to the others. I'll talk to you later, Nagito!Bye byee!"."Bye bye" Nagito ends the conversation with a smile on his face.

You started to meet your classmates and becoming friends with most of them.You liked the company of Peko and Ibuki.They were very different from each other,one being quiet and calm,other one being loud and energetic.

You started a conversation with Peko.She was telling you about her 'Young Master' that being Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu,one of your classmates. While pointing at him you started staring at his blonde hair then his face expression. He has soft skin just like a newborn baby. Not wanting to,you felt something in your stomach. You later realizeze that those were butterflies. He looked gorgeous in your eyes that you zoned out in mid conversation.Peko was confused but then she noticed you staring at him with sparkle in your eyes. She was a tad bit jealous but thought nothing about it. You came back to reality,apologizing for zoning out.

After a few minutes a DING DING BING BONG was heard from the mini TV standing in a palm tree on the beach.On the monitor there was a stuffed bunny..? Apparently her name was Usami."What the fuck?"Fuyuhiko said crossing his arms in anger and confusion.Usami appeard on the beach next to us making me and Mikan flinch."Hello!My name is Usami and I will be your new teacher this year!"."Usami my ass"Fuyuhiko mumbled loud enough for you to hear making you chuckle."A stuffed bunny?Our teacher?"Kazuichi Souda said weirded out."That was a mean thing to say to your teacher!"Usami frowned."Why are we here on this island?"Hajime asked. "Yeah!I thought we were at Hope Peak Academy!"Akane,the tall athletic girl said."You will be living here for the year!Your relationships will grow and everyone will be friends!Ahh so happy!"Usami answered."The rules are in your handbooks!Make sure to read them and collect hope fragments by socializing and making friends!"the bunny continued."Now to start with something fun I have some swimsuits for you guys to go swimming! Isn't swimming fun?"Usami smiled at her students signaling for them to take one and change.Most of the class agreed and jumped in excitement exept two people those being Fuyuhiko and Byakuya. Everyone exept them went to their cottages to change. You were the first to arrive at the beach ready to splash everybody with water. Ibuki came second,hugging you from behind making you fall into the water.You tasted the water and it was very salty. To take revenge you decided throwing Ibuki just as she pushed you.She started laughing while the other girls were getting in the water.

Everything was going well ,Sonia and Mahiru were talking with their feet in the water,Ibuki Mikan and you were splashing eachother laughing ,Gundham was building a sand castle with his four Dark Devas of Destruction,Teruteru was putting sunscreen on everyone for protection,Peko started to practice swimming very fast and so on. You decided to get out the water to warm out a bit in the sun since the water was cold. Next to you was Fuyuhiko,having an angry face and crossing his arms,not enjoying the nice breeze.Since you wanted to get to know him, you walked up to him to introduce yourself since you haven't yet. He didn't want to talk when you were introducing yourself to the others."Hey Fuyuhiko, why dont you wanna come swim with us?"you asked the blondette.He looked back at you with a confused face."How do you know my name dumbass?"he responded unpolitely."I am one of Peko's friends and she talks about you a lot so I quite know a few things about you" you said a bit flustered hearing his manly voice."Now answer my question!"y/n whined."Tch.You guys are idiots for going swimming. Why are you trusting a stupid stuffed plushie that talks back,thats bullshit!"he says in annoyance."Trust issues huh.."you mumbled."I heard that you know?And yes I do have trust issues"Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes staring at the ground a bit irritated. Confident and feeling bad, you decided to give him a hug. He looked very surprised at your action and a tint of light pink appeard on his cheeks."What the hell was that dumbass? Why'd you hug me you weirdo"Fuyuhiko spat not looking at you to cover his flushed face."I thought you might need a hug that can make you feel better. I can see it on your face that you're not in the best mood"you answered shyly."Thank you.."he said softly."What's your name and ultimate?"Fuyuhiko asked,again,in his angry attitude."I'm Y/n L/n and I'm the Ultimate Ninja"you smiled. Before he chould answer back a swarm of grey clouds came and covered the sun.On the monitor appeard another plushie but this time it was a black and white bear.

A/n:Hello again!!This is chapter 1 of the series hope you enjoyed it. I will try to update this book more often.Thank you for reading!


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