Epilogue ✔️

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Two Years Later

"Are you ready to go home, princess?" Drew asks as he loads the last of our bags into the car.

"Hell yes! Who would have ever thought that I would miss those mountains so much?" I jump into the passenger's seat.

"Well, you have always been full of surprises." He says as he climbs in and leans over, kissing me sweetly on the cheek. "I just can't believe that River caught that stomach virus and had to stay over." He says starting the car.

"Yeah, well, I for one did not want to ride in a car with him for ten hours, seeing and listening to him vomit." I cringe.

"I swear he has the immune system of a gnat. You would think with Darlene being pregnant, she would be the one vomiting all the time." Drew laughs, and I roll my eyes.

"Don't tell me that you are still jealous of her."

"Why would I be?"

"Well, she did come on to me first."

"Oh, shut up."

"Well, there is certainly no reason for you to be. Even then, the only one I had on my mind was you."

"And now that you actually have me?" I ask, biting my lip.

"I am never letting you go." He says bringing my hand to his lips and kissing my wedding band.


Three Days Later

River finally makes it home, feeling better, thank God, because Darlene is in active labor.

Why they opted for an at-home birth is beyond me. Whenever Drew and I have a kid, you had better believe my ass will be laying in the hospital where they have pain meds. All of them. Good ones!

Maddox called this morning to let us know about a new assignment. To date, we had taken down eight more major traffickers and rescued more than one hundred women, men, and children, some of whom the Andrews and Cassidys had been at least partially responsible for trafficking. That is unfortunately only a very small fraction of a percent, but we aren't giving up. And I have to say, it feels damn good.

Safe Haven now has four locations scattered across the U.S. and is making great strides in helping women, men, and kids get back on their feet, offering not only a safe place to stay but mental health and job services as well. in conjunction with many other programs and services that they may need to help them get back out there and finally feel safe once again.

With each new place we open and the new people we get to work with, I become more grateful for my experiences. Five years ago, I was so caught up in myself and my situation that I didn't even know that anything like this actually existed outside of movies and television shows. Now that my eyes have been opened, they will never be closed again.

We have even started working on plans for a family center. A place where the victims and survivors' loved ones can seek help and find resources for themselves. All in memory of my mother, Marie, and my grandparents.

"Hey princess, are you ready to become an aunt?" Drew asks with a huge grin.

"More than ready." I say smile. "Though I am not so sure River is ready to become a dad." I laugh watching him race around frantically. Darlene screams at him while Ms. Debbie tries to calm them both down, and Bo Howard is giving instructions, telling them all, "You need not worry; I once led soldiers in battle; surely the six of us can bring a baby into the world."

Ryland, Noah, and Maddox are all on their way. They have slowly become just as much a part of our own unique little family as the rest of them have.

Oh, how so much has changed. I look around at our family and think about how different things used to be.

I am not sure what the future holds, but I know that this, this crazy chaotic perfection is what it is all about.

I look up at my husband, kissing his cheek, grateful for our life, knowing that everything could have turned out so differently if he hadn't stepped up that day and offered to




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