"Now there's a popular man. Look at them, following him like the Pied Piper." Mika turned laughingly to Vic, only to find that her eyes were on her and she was watching her with a concentration she had never seen before. Her eyes seem to talk to her. They were hungry for her... lit with desire she had done nothing to provoke.

A ripple of excitement shot through her in response to her, thought she looked away, seeming unaware. "I... I suppose I should go back to the villa. I want to have a rest before dinner and wash my hair."

"It looks beautiful as it is. Besides, you can't go just yet. There is something else you have got to see."

Again, there was no information forthcoming. Vic took her into the bar and ordered cocktails. The outside of the bar itself was covered with zebra skins, the tables were circular and shaped like drums, also covered with animal skins and glass-topped. But she had been in this room before, had inspected with interest the masks on its walls, the trophies, the unusual plants and flowers.

"What is it I have to see in here?" They were on their second drink when she asked the question, at a loss to imagine what it might be.

Vic checked her watched grinning. "Any minute now, darling. Be patient!"

Darling! There it was again! And this time it had come spontaneously, naturally, as though she really did mean it. But...

All thoughts were swept from her mind when the drummers arrived. Quite suddenly, they appeared running up the lawn in the gathering dusk to play outside the vast picture windows of the bar, the sounds of their drums getting louder and louder...

"Wow!!! Who are they, Vic?"

"The Chuka Drummers. They are part of the Meru tribe who lived on the mountain side in an old area called Chuka. Now sit back and just let their music wash over you."

Wash over her? She was spellbound, looking through the glass at their black painted faces, their grass skirts and head-dresses. They were so serious, so intense, and their drumming did not wash over her... it got right inside her blood, her excitement mounting as the beat got faster and faster. Drumming.... thrumming... throbbing... to a pitch which kept her almost hypnotized.

It was a wonderful display... something she had not witnessed before. She felt as though she had been transported to a different world... a world of beauty, color, sunshine, and music.

Half an hour later, she went back to the villa alone, almost skipping with delight. Her tiredness had vanished. But she simply had to do something about her appearance. Vic stayed in the bar, insisting she was not going to wait around while she did unnecessary things to her hair.

A flame-colored dress was lying on her bed and it stopped Mika in her tracks. Beside it there was a note which reads: "Wear this for me tonight... and no arguments."

Mika smiled, trailing her fingers over the pure silk garment she had admired earlier in the gift shop. She had not bought it, or even thought of buying it, because it was too expensive. Ah, but it was just her color... a gaily colored wrap-around style on a flame background.

Her first instinct, however, was a protest. How thoughtful of Vic to surprise her like this— but she should not accept it. They argued when she bought her the camera. She insisted on paying for it herself but her boss would not hear of it.

"Wear this tonight... and no arguments." While taking a shower, she smiled at the command of her note. She'd better wear it. But... but it did not seem right accepting gifts from her. It smacked of... but she was not her mistress, so why should this make her feel like one? Mistresses were given presents and taken away for week-ends, weren't they?

SECOND CHANCES(A Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now