Chapter 6: Discussions

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"Something's fishy." Charlie said as soon as they were all sat down with Hermione sitting quite close to him while Harry and Ron sitting next to each other opposite. Harry nodded in agreement. "I think that there could be a monster." he said. "Well, we don't know for sure..." Hermione said before continuing. "...unless Malfoy was the one. We should ask Professor Mcgonagall about it. It had to be the work of a Slytherin of some kind. Are we in agreement?" Charlie, Ron and Harry all nodded. "Good." Ron then yawned and took a look at the clock.  It was 7:00. "We should go to bed. It's getting late." "You two..." Charlie stated referring to Ron and Harry. "... head on up. I would like to talk to Hermione about something alone for a while about something." he requested and Ron and Harry nodded in understanding. "Very well. Well, goodnight mate. Night Hermione." Harry said as he and Ron went up to the dorm for the night after Hermione had said goodnight to them herself. Leaving Charlie and Hermione alone. 

Hermione then turned to Charlie. "What is it that you wanted to talk about then, Charlie?" she asked him. Charlie looked then looked at her and blinked before answering. "I'm worried, Hermione." he said. She scooted closer to him, looking lovingly. "About how we found Mrs Norris. I am starting to feel like something like that is going to happen to you at some point. I...." Hermione then put a finger gently to shush him. "Charlie..." she said with a slight sigh. "...nothing is going to happen to me." Charlie seemed to nod in understanding. "Yes. But what if something does? I couldn't bare the thought of losing you to someone or something. Hermione, there is a reason why I punched Malfoy after he called you that foul name earlier." Hermione didn't say anything. Instead, she let him continue. "I care about you. A lot more than others may do. I want to make a promise to you. I will do whatever it takes to protect you from harm. I will never let anyone or anything hurt you. And even if something does happen between us, then just know that it's never going to be intentional."

Hermione began to tear up. No one had ever made her feel like she was loved besides her family. "You're so sweet, Charlie." she whispered. "I promise that I will always be here for you too. If we are werewolves or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is that it's the person that is inside the beast." Charlie looked startled. "R-really?" he managed to ask. Hermione nodded. "I like you, Charlie. You truly are a great guy." Charlie then smiled at her as she smiled back at him. "Thank you, Hermione. I don't know what to say. Hey. I've got an idea. W-would you like to do some reading with me before we go to bed?" he offered. Instantly Hermione nodded and sat even closer to him than before until she was inches from his lap as they both took out a book to read each. After a few hours of reading together, they fell asleep with Hermione resting her head on Charlie's robe-covered chest. 

The next morning, when Harry and Ron went downstairs to the Common Room, they saw everything. "Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed. Suddenly Charlie and Hermione shot up and were now awake. "Ron! Harry! This isn't what it looks like!" Hermione said noticing the two boys while Charlie was lost for words as he, like Hermione was red in the face in embarrassment while moving away from Hermione a bit, even though that he didn't really want to. . Ron then decided to tease them with a smirk on his face as Harry decided to join in for a bit of fun." Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Sure. Sure." he said. "Well um..." Charlie started to say. "...I'm heading down for breakfast. I'll meet you three there." he finished as he then left the room. "You like him." chuckled Ron."Don't you?" Hermione, who was still red in the face managed to ask quietly "Is it that obvious?" Both Harry and Ron continued to smirk as they nodded. "I knew it!" Ron shouted. "Just wait until I tell Charlie." he added as he ran out of the room with Harry. They had cheeky grins on their faces as they gave chase. "You will do no such thing, Ronald!" snapped Hermione furiously as she ran after both of them. 

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