Chapter 5: Writing on the Wall

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Charlie had become his werewolf form once again. He didn't understand why he would transform during the day, but he had heard that if a werewolf was angry enough, then they would transform in broad daylight. But he thought that it was nonsense and it wasn't long before he calmed himself down and changed back into his normal looking self again. Meanwhile, Harry, Ron and Hermione were with Hagrid. All 3 of them were still speechless because of the incident with Charlie and Malfoy. Just then, Hagrid spoke. "Yer' 3 alright? Ya 'ave been quiet ever since ya got 'ere." he asked. "Oh... yeah. We're just... fine." Harry managed to answer. "Stupid brat." said Ron. "Who?" Hagrid asked. "Malfoy. He called Hermione a....... well, I don't know what it means." answered Harry. Hermione then stood up with tears in her eyes. "He called me a Mudblood." Hagrid's eyes were now wide with his mouth gaping. 

"He did not." he gasped. Just as Hermione was about to explain to Harry what the term mudblood meant, somebody opened the door to Hagrid's Hut and beat her to it. "It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name to call someone. Someone with non-magical parents." the voice said. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Hagrid all looked to where the voice was coming from. It was Charlie. "Someone like us." Charlie finished as he made way over to Hermione and gently wrapped his arm around her and gently rubbed her back using his hand. Hermione closed her eyes and lent into him, giving him a hug before breaking away and opening her eyes back up again." Well, don' worry about it." Hagrid reassured with a smile and gently held Hermione's hand in a reassuring type of way. "They ain't invented a spell that Hermione Granger can't do." Charlie, Harry, Ron and Hermione all smiled as Charlie then wiped away the tears that formed under Hermione's eyes. Later, all 4 of them had left Hagrid and were walking down the hall. 

"Hey um, Charlie?" Hermione began to ask when she looked at Charlie. "Yes?" Charlie answered. "I just wanted to say thank you for defending me from Malfoy earlier." she explained, went closer to him a bit and kissed his cheek lightly. Charlie went red in the face in a blush. "I don't know why I did that." she added while now blushing herself as she realised what she has just done. Charlie then put a hand to the spot where Hermione had just kissed it and started to stroke it as gently as he could while a little bit of a smile started to spread across his face. That was until... "Ooooooeeee!" Harry and Ron teased in usion. "Oh grow up!" Charlie, who was still red in the face, answered. Suddenly, as the 4 of them rounded the next corner, Harry heard a voice. "Kill......kill......kill. Let me rip! Let me tear!" it hissed. Harry heard it. "Do you hear that?" he asked. "Hear what Harry?" Charlie asked in return. "I didn't hear anything." Ron added as Charlie noticed something on the wall. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware." he read as Harry, Ron and Hermione turned to face Charlie. "What did you say?" Hermione asked as Charlie, who was shaken by the message pointed to it before Harry had noticed something else. 

"It's Mrs Norris!" he exclaimed as he Ron, Hermione and Charlie all gathered around the cat that was hanging in the air that was stiff as a board. Ron managed to gently poke her. "She's been petrified." he said when he realised what had happened. "Pity." a voice ringed out. "Such a shame about Filch's cat. You'll be next mudbloods." it was revealed to be Malfoy who was looking very smug. Charlie pushed past. "Did you not learn anything? Or do I need to rearrange your face yet again?" he threatened. "Out of the way! What's going on here?" another voice gruffed out. "Ah!" the voice yelped. It turned out to be Argus Filch who turned to Harry and pointed his finger at him. "You! You did this to her! You...." He never got to finish as Dumbledore arrived with Mcgonagall, Snape and Lockhart by his side. 

"That's enough, Argus!" Dumbledore snapped. "What?!? No! I want to see some punishment!" Filch retorted Dumbledore managed to silence him once again by putting his hand up as if to say "Stop!". "Harry." he began to ask. "Do you know anything about this?". Harry quickly shook his head. The teachers then noticed the message on the wall. "What does this mean, Headmaster?" Charlie managed to ask him as Hermione gently took his hand in hers for reassurance. "It seems that our worst fears have been realised." he replied before he spoke to the teachers. "It's to my knowledge that the Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened again." "Again? You mean this has happened before?" Ron asked as Dumbledore could only nod. "I know a spell that can fix Mrs Norris, Headmaster. Leave it to me." Lockhart requested. "That won't be necessary thank you, Giledory." he said as Filch was still glaring at Harry when Snape spoke up. "Be that as it may Headmaster. Perhaps Potter and his friends were here in the wrong place at the wrong time." Harry, Ron, Hermione and Charlie couldn't believe it. Snape had just defended them! "You are all dismissed." Dumbledore announced to all of the students so Harry, Ron, Hermione and Charlie all decided to go back to the Gryffindor Common Room for a discussion with each other after Hermione let go of Charlie's hand. 

Me in Movies: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن