Intro to Katherine Sparrow

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There are three things you need to know before you read this .

•Number one: I'm Katherine Sparrow my eldest brother is the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow
•Number two: I am on a boat

"Katherine where is the rum" yelled my brother from the deck.

That's number three we ran out of rum two hours ago and I wasn't planning on telling jack of my secret stash. He would be at it faster then mould on the month old bread sticks in the ship mates cabin.

I stared at him blankly. I had mastered lying to him, it was so easy since most of the time he had been drunk.

"we ran out of it 2 hours ago jack, you drank them all" I spoke with complete calmness .

Confusion crossed his face. He opened his mouth partly as if he had something but closed it quickly. His confusion made me want to laugh but I knew if I did he would get me to spill my guts out  of my stash.

My eyes trailed away from him and landed on Will and Elizabeth who were talking near the edge of the ship.

I had planned many scenarios of pushing them overboard. They looked so in love and I despised it. I stared as Will's lips met hers in a tender kiss. To say my heartaches would be an understatement everytime she was in his arms my heart shattered.

I hated that Jack even allowed them on the ship. The Black Pearl was as much my ship as it was his. Truly if it were up to me they would be deep sea diving along with the fishes. My jaw, clenched as they continued to embrace each other.

Angrily I gripped onto the empty bottle that once contained the delicate honey due fountain wine. I was in love with someone I knew could never be mine. I watched as Elizabeth nuzzled his neck, playing with his hair. The anger boiled up in me as I heard the bottle in my hand shatter.

Wait, wait I'll need to inform you a little about myself before I can continue telling my "mulitiversal" tale well I think that's what Dr Sparkle fingers says it is.

I'm Katherine Sparrow,  the younger much attractive younger sister of the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow. They, say that I have a drinking problem just like my brother but I would argue and say I have a drinking solution.

I was cursed or so jack says when I was younger . My hands and eyes glow when I show strong emotions, i have accidentally destroyed a small town but it worked out since we got the rum and money from the place.

I didn't quite share features as my brother I have azure blue eyes. I dyed my hair a dirty blonde to fit with my new pirate look. I used to be a lady but quite that boring life for one of adventure .

The adventure I got next changed my life completely if only I knew it. 

  this is more or less you pirate costume

Enjoy the Jack picture

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