Chapter 2.2: W-Wait Shido! We Mustn't Do This! I'm Your Little Sister!

Start from the beginning

"Everyone will think you will gonna sacrifice millions of lives, but in reality, there's only one."

"I don't fully understand what you mean but I get the gist of it. Can you elaborate it for me?"

"I'll tell it to you honestly, I didn't read the whole thing."


"I'm afraid, no, scared of this plot. I have no courage to continue anymore."

"Your words doesn't make any sense to me."

What Nia said can interpret in so many ways, that's why Y/N is confused and said such things.

"I know but that is what it is. As if we are inside a story, there are only two ways to end this. Whether you repeat and be trapped to a loop, or give your everything to bless them the ending that they deserve. Either of those choices, your ending is still on doom. Whatever you do, nothing will change."

After hearing what she have said, Y/N smiled wryly.

"I'll try."

"Even if it is futile?"

"Well, that is the only thing I can do, right?"

"You can just enjoy the remaining time you have and wait for your miserable ending."

"It might be an option but I refuse."

"Is it because of Kurumi?"

Y/N glared at her but opposite to his reaction, Nia was teasing him.

"You said something unnecessary."

"Is that so? I didn't know. I'll be careful next time. Of course, I won't force you to tell it to me if you don't want to, but I'll gladly to hear your answer anytime. That is if you are fine with it."

Y/N remained silent and refused to answer her question.

He frowned even more as he thought.

[I don't know if she lied to me when she said she didn't read the whole thing, but one thing is for sure, she read something unnecessary.]


While Y/N and Nia is having a talk, Shido and others is on the rooftop of their school, eating their lunch together.

"Hey Y/N, what are you gonna do about the school festival? You're the student council president of our school and a class representative for the festival at the same time. Isn't difficult for you to handle those task?" Shido asked.

"Of course it is. I guess I need to call my other clones to help me get out of this situation."

Hearing what he said, Kurumi immediately scolded him for saying such things.

"Y/N-kun, didn't I told you to refrain yourself from using Reiryoku?"

"A-ah, t-that's right! I'm just joking! I didn't mean it, seriously!"

"I'm not stupid to fall for your lie. Anyways, you don't need to use your clones anymore. I'll gonna help you out with it."


"Yeah. I'll try my best to support you so don't use your Reiryoku anymore, do you understand?"

Giving her hand, Tohka and Shido followed.

"I'll help you too, Y/N."

"If Shido's in, then I'm also too!"

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