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Trey watched as Layla sobbed on her knees as she was begging for Trey to stop and he looked at Brooklyn who was drinking some apple juice.

"Keep it going"Brooklyn looked at Layla and she watched as the niggas kept beating on her Brooklyn wished she was in good condition she would whoop her ass herself.

Brooklyn was off of her crutches now but her body would still ache here and there and her rib was still fractured  but her eye was clearing up.

Trey watched as Layla coughed up blood and he signaled them to stop and he walked over to her and he picked her up by her shirt.

"Where the other two-

"I don't know I promise I don't know please I'm sorry i'm sorry-

"Lies ima give you your phone and you gon call them tell them meet you-

"I can't -

" Bro either give up the names or you can die" Brooklyn interrupted getting agitated with the lying she was doing.

Layla looked at her and she spat her blood on the ground and smiled and Brooklyn picked the gun up from off the table and aimed it at her.

Trey stood in front of her and tried to get her to lower the gun and Brooklyn placed her finger on the trigger.

"Trey move out the way"

"No you can't kill her-

"You heard him even after everything he still won't let you do anything to me don't be dumb Brooklyn-

Brooklyn shook her head dropping the gun and she turned around leaving the basement walking up the steps ignoring all the females bagging up dope and niggas going over whatever business they had.

Brooklyn was done with him defending her if she wasn't trying to actually be something in her life she would've killed both but she had to realize it didn't work like that.

"Brooklyn where are you going-

"Why does it matter" Brooklyn scoffed as she opened her car door getting in and Trey sighed as she closed the door locking in.

"Your mad-

"I'm mad because your always defending her she almost fucking killed me because of you this is your mess and you don't wanna clean it up if feelings are still there that's cool hit me up when you lose em I should've known it was something when you showed up on my doorstep just leave me alone bro" Brooklyn looked at him rolling up her window and speeding off.

She was tired of him making it seem like she was overreacting like she was crazy she was tired of listening to him defend her she felt even dumber because she was catching feelings for Trey she could feel them.

"Fuck" Trey yelled running his hands down his face as he watched her drive away and he walked back inside going back to Layla who was on the ground.

"Did I ruin your relationship with Brooky Brook" Layla laughed as she was cut off by Trey slamming her into the wall causing the others to mumble damn under their breath in shock.

" I'm done playing games Layla if you do not tell me where to find them i'm not going to kill you but I will keep you down here and starve you make you sit in your own piss and shit you gon wish you were dead"

Layla looked in his eyes at this point she had nothing left no family no friends she hated her mother maybe death was an easy fix for her problems.

"Good Luck" Layla blew a kiss at him smiling and Trey rolled his eyes.

"Tie her to a chair don't feed her don't even talk to her let her suffer until she wanna talk"

Trey left and he tried to call her but he watched as it declined and he knew that she had blocked him he knew that she was probably going to never talk to him again.

One thing she was good at was holding a grudge.

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