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"I DON'T SEE WHY WE CAN'T-" Cut off by the sound of blaring police sirens, both Noah Bedford and Cassie Cohen raced to the window, watching as three cop cars followed by an ambulance sped past the quiet street. "Do you think?"

"I hope not." Cassie gulped, beginning to shrug on her jacket. She didn't even want to consider the possibility that it was something sinister, evidence, or remotely anything that didn't result in the youngest Byers returning back to safety.

"What are you doing?" The blue eyed boy gave her a confused glance. "Cassie you can't just go out there, what if it's a crime scene?"

"I'm going." She snapped, pulling her keys from her pocket. "Crime scene or not, I need to know."

The boy sighed in frustration, giving the girl a silent nod as she began to head out the door. He offered to join, but the girl insisted she would be just fine, hopping into her driver's seat with a shaky breath and a silent prayer.

She followed the cars down the dirt roads, an anxious pit pooling in her stomach as she realised the route. They were heading towards the quarry.

The moment her tires screeched, Cassie ran out of the car, passing a selection of fire trucks as she approached the crowd.

"Please tell me it's not the kid." Jim Hopper began, Cassie folded her arms over her chest, raising one to sit under her chin as her bellowing heartbeat echoed through her skull. The same thought repeated on a vicious loop; please don't let it be will.

"Cassie, Honey." A soft voice whispered, the brunette turned to face the tearful gaze of her mother, who stood clad in her firefighter's uniform holding out her arms for her teenage daughter. Jane was of course on duty tonight, but did not expect to be lead here, of all places, a spot that erected such awful memories.

She hugged her daughter tight, choosing not to ask questions as to why she was here for the time being, Jane was simply grateful she was here at all, someone who understood the emotions. The blonde had been summoned by a concerned civilian shortly after a park ranger had supposedly called 911, but the odd thing was, the woman could not recognise even one of the other engines at the scene. They certainly weren't from her unit, and they would not let the blonde's force anywhere near the water, they had to be from state.

The entire hunt for Will Byers was like an inescapable sense of deja vu for the women, bringing them right back to the day that scarred them both.

"God fucking dammit." Jane whispered, more to herself in a vent of frustration. She watched with glazed eyes as a small body was overturned in the stretcher, wearing the very same clothes Will had vanished in. She squeezed her eyes tight, holding her daughter even closer, trying her best to keep her composure.

"Is it Will? Is he alright?" Cassie asked, her voice somewhat hopeful. Her mother stroked a hand through her hair. "Mom-"

"Don't look, honey." She spoke, the youngest Cohen's heart dropped to her stomach. It couldn't be him, no way. "Just- Oh God."

HEROES | STEVE HARRINGTONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora