" And you--!.... "

" waaaitt!... Before you completely lecture me about the last part, it was Sister Roxanne's choice to be honest " Jennette spoke, as if she just didn't cut off his sentence out of the blue

" Sister Roxanne was going away for awhile, yes? Before she went out, she asked me a favor on to taking care of her guest.. She trusted me for it so I am doing this for her!.. "

Jeremy was baffled, why would his roxie trust his arranged fiancee than him??!!

He pondered for a bit then realizes,

Ah.... It was probably because she's the only who is the most sane person inside the agriche... But why would roxie let jennette treat that pedillian guy?...


' Maybe it's because she wants him to feel warmth first and then later on, roxie will torture him herself after she got back!! So that's why, roxie is really smart! ' he thought, and decided to understand jennette's situation for today

" Alright, and there's another reason on why I called you here.. "

" That is?... "

" The crown princess of the obelian empire would be visiting the agriche since she mentioned at the letter that, you haven't replied to her letters at all " Jeremy pointed out the last part, now it was jennette's turn to be baffled

" w.. what letters?? I haven't received one ever since I got here... " she asked worriedly, and confused

Jeremy raised a brow at that, isn't the most common thing to know was that the lady in waiting would be giving their owners the letters they received?...

" LEWELL!... " Jeremy called, veins were showing at the side of his head and hands as all can see that he was mad

"y-yes?!.... " lewell stumbled to enter the room, as she trembled when she was in front of the two now

" The letters..... "

" The lady didn't get any letters at the mail!... I always go to where the letters were, but there were none for Lady Jennette " Lewell answered, it was as if she already jeremy was gonna ask her that

She bowed slightly, her body is still trembling

" Yeah, it's true! I sometimes go with lewell to check but there wasn't any for me " Jennette added,


This was weird..

But if jennette said so, then he'll believe it

It's not like he believed her because he likes her, it is simply because roxie trusts her and so he decided to also trust jennette, that's all nothing more

" Then I'll check this problem on my own, it's still weird that you didn't receive any letters " Jeremy said, as he stood up from his seat and walked towards the door " and,  you're going to visit the guest later right? Don't go and fall for his tricks okay? He can be a bit of a bastard which he is... But careful around him "

" Yes, I'll remember that " Jennette assured, smiling at Jeremy softly

And with that, jeremy left to take care of the problem that is happening


" Princess, you called? " ijekiel asked, as he entered athanasia's office, he looked around and noticed that the magician was also there but he was pouting?...

" Ah yes! I was thinking since you know jennette more than me, I wanted to invite you to go with me and visit jennette! " Athanasia said, as she waved a piece of paper at him

" princess, jennette is at the agriche?... "

" I know, Lucas is going with us but in a baby form and there's something I wanted to confirm with you here and there at the agriche " She answered, as she placed the paper she was waving at, to the table

Ijekiel took it and read the contents,

And he simply placed the paper back onto the table, athanasia flinched at his aura all of the sudden as Lucas just snickered at it

Ijekiel was still smiling but, his aura and the veins on his hands were noticeable, and it was common sense he was angry..

" Princess, so you called me here so we can check up on whoever pretended to be my sister ???? " He asked, as he placed a hand on his chest to look more.... Polite...

" y.. yeah.. Turns out I was correct that this wasn't jennette... I already sent a letter to the agriche that I will be visiting since jennette wasn't replying to my letters " Athanasia explained more, sweat dropping at the noble boy in front of her, but it was understandable

They had a feeling someone was messing with jennette at the agriche, and they knew for sure jennette doesn't notice it yet

" achoo!... " jennette sneezed, as she looked around the garden, she suddenly felt like the air was cold but she shook it off

She was about to continue her walk until,

" Are you trying to die??? " a girl asked, when jennette turned around she was indeed met with a girl

She has a red hair that was tied in a pigtails, her green yellowy eyes we're staring right at jennette's deep blue

Her face was in a scowl, as if jennette did something displeasing

" If you go far into that direction, the plants there are poisonous so that's why im asking if you're trying to die or something? " She repeated,

" ah.. I didn't know!.. I'm sorry! " jennette apologized, lewell didn't tell her anything about poisonous parts of the garden so she was instantly confused

" Ehh~ I suppose this matter will be ignored for now, be glad father wasn't the one who noticed it " the red haired said, as she sighed internally

Why was she helping this helpless woman anyways??!...

She huffed,

" May I ask for your name?.. " jennette suddenly couraged herself to ask, as she looked at the red haired with sparkling eyes that held admiration

" urkhh.... It's Charlotte.... Charlotte Agriche "

To be continued.. (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌

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