Chapter 3 Movie Night

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Chapa pov

And... done! I finally prepared everything and still have... *checks time* oh wait, just in time.
Okay, they should arrive soon so I will just do some last minute checks. A place to watch the movie, check! A tv, check! A remote, check! Popcorn, check! Drinks, check! A place to sit, check! A movie, che- *doorbell rings* Oh their here!
"Chapa! We are here!" Mika called towards me. "Coming!" I called back and ran towards the door, opened it, and saw my 3 best friends standing outside with stuff in their hands.
"Hey guys, just in time, come on in!" I lead them in. "Hey Chapa, we brought our own snacks!" Miles exclaimed showing me his snacks.
"What? I already made popcorn!" I nearly yelled, disappointed. "Don't worry, your hard work will be payed off cuz we can still eat all of them, right guys?" Miles tried to cheer me up as he turned to Mika and Bose, I can tell they tried to smile and give me a thumbs up when they knew they cannot finish eating ALL.
At least I didn't work THAT hard to make everything perfect for at least 1 hour... "*clears throat* Come on let's just watch this movie!" Mika changed the subject. "Okay come on!" Bose pouted. We went up to my room and sat down. "What are we watching this time Chapa?" Bose was scared to ask.
"Genuine Moments." I then saw everyone look at me like I was crazy. "I'm sorry what? I thought it was supposed to be a horror movie?" Mika asked. "Well there are no more horror movies that we never have seen so... I chose genuine moments so what do you think, wanna watch it?"
"Of course!" They all said at the same time. "Okay!" I exclaimed and pressed play as everyone settled down.
"Everyone sees the earth as  just any other planet but you'll never know unless you see for yourself with this nature documentary to-"  The tv was showing a nature documentary so I pressed the pause button. "I thought you wanted Genuine Moments?" Miles asked clearly confused.
"Oh that must be the wrong movie, hold on." I pressed return. Nothing. I pressed it again. Still nothing. I then pressed all the buttons that will get genuine moments on but all nothing. "Um still waiting..." Bose said annoyed.
"It's not working, I pressed every button that will get Genuine Moments on but still nothing."
"Lemme try." Miles took the remote and did the same thing. "Yeah checks out." Miles handed it back.
"Now what." Bose sighed defeated. "I know! Let's have a competition, last one to fall asleep to this movie wins but the the first one to sleep gets a punishment."
"That's a great idea! Loser gets to... say their most deepest secret." Miles suggested and everyone agreed.
"Everyone has 1 minute to get all their stuff they need from my house and... go!" We all ran to get some supplies to stay awake after I set a timer for 1 minute on my computer.
"And 3, 2, 1, TIMES UP, COME UP!" I yelled as everyone ran back with all the stuff they need 1 minute later.
"Okay settle down everyone, movie's starting!" I said as I pressed play. 

The next morning

*yawns* It's a beautiful morning, the sun is shining, the birds are singing... THE BET FOR THE MOVIE!
I completely dozed off! I turn around to see everyone asleep but I didn't see who fell asleep first!
I then felt something wrapped on my hand, I saw that Miles interlocked hands with me, I blushed and slowly removed my hand from his, how did I not notice that until now?
Okay, time to get to work into waking everyone up, so I opened a drawer and took out one of all the 'hey' horns I 'confiscated' from people who HEY HORNED A WOMAN AKA ME! Anyways, here goes nothing.
*hey horn sounds* One by one, everyone starts to wake up covering their ears until they all woke up.
"STOP STOP STOP!" Mika complained as she took the hey horn from me. "HEY!" "That's enough 'heys' for one... ETERNITY!" Mika then threw the the hey horn across the room away from me.
"Why do even have to wake us up? Now I'm tired and going back to sleep." Bose said and started walking back to his sleeping bag but I pulled him back.
"You can't sleep yet, what about the bet?!" I reminded.
"Oh yeah! The bet! But who is gonna get the punishment, we all fell asleep and no one knows who fell asleep first, all I can say is that it is definitely not me." Miles said.
"I'm sure it is you!" Mika scoffed at Miles. "Says the girl who likes to sleep on Bose's shoulder!" Miles fired. "Do not!" Mika fired back.
"Well I think it is Bose, I am sure he always sleeps like a baby." I stated. "No it is you, you always want your 'beauty sleep'!" Bose fired trying to mimic me which is highly inaccurate.
"Doesn't mean it is me!" I fired back. We all started arguing until I finally cannot take it anymore, I took out another hey horn from my drawer. *hey horn sounds again*
Everyone covered their ears as they stopped arguing so I stopped. They let go of their ears and glared at me continuously while Mika takes the hey horn from me and she broke it in half, throwing it across the room again.
"What did I just say!? NO MORE HORNS, GOT IT!?" Mika nearly activated her powers. "Okay okay, now, since we all don't know who fell asleep first, I say we all do the punishment." I suggested.
"Fine." Everyone agreed. "Now remind me what was the punishment again, I completely forgot." "Deepest secret? Remember?" Miles reminded.
"Nope not doing it, Chapa's out!" "Hey! You suggested it! So we are doing it!" Bose shouted.
"*groans* Ughhhh fine! But who goes first? Cuz I'm not going first! Bose is going first!" "You don't get to choose! But I just want to get this over with so okay..." Bose said hesitantly.
"You know those girls I was dating before? Well the truth is, I don't like them at all! Sometimes they are just some chatter boxes, sometimes they are mean, sometimes they are too clingy and sometimes they are all!" Bose yelled annoyed about the girls he dated.
"That is new information which is sort of unbelievable but it's not." "Well moving on, Mika's turn!" I said. "*groans* fine. I-I uh-"
"Come on hurry up! I'm curious!" Miles rushed. "Okay okay, I... have a crush." Mika confessed. "*all gasps* Who?"
Hey guys, sorry I didn't update faster, I needed to fix my iPad, the Wi-Fi button wasn't working so I'm currently on my phone I got this year. Well I will try to write faster, anyways peace!

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