34| Hell On Earth

Start from the beginning

It was a thrill like a hit of cocaine coursing through his veins when David watched his victims die a slow and painful death, while he sat back getting off on the thrill of knowing, he was the one responsible for the pain he was inflicting on them. This one, however, would have been over before it even began.

Becca let out an extended howl, as David barreled towards him now and plunged the knife in his face. He started to twist and turn the blade, until it started impaling into the bones of his flesh, earning another scream of pain from Becca.

"Why you little prick, I'm going to rip your fuckin' head off!" screamed the voice filled with malice behind him, footsteps thudding on the floor, the closer he neared him.

David could see the fellow inmate out of his peripheral vision, gaining towards him, as he shouted that. His eyes were wild and crazy looking, while David had Becca pinned to the floor now, brutally stabbing him to death in the face. Blood started spewing from the man's face, the more David continued to shred him apart, slipping in and out of consciousness.

With a loud, monstrous blow to the head, David was tossed to the floor, the second his friend tackled him from behind. He barrelled forward and grabbed David by the scruff of his neck, his fingers clenching tightly around his throat.

"When I'm finished with ya, boy, ya ain't gonna be so pretty anymore," the man, assured him, his hand still pressed firmly around his neck, as he squeezed David harder, tighter, robbing him of air.

With a vengeful thrust of his shank, buried deep into the man's abdomen, David felt the instant relief and weight being lifted off him. He could feel the oxygen in his lungs gradually returning, as the man slipped off him and collapsed to the floor, gasping for air.

Now that the two obstacles standing in his way were gone David knew it was time to set his plan in motion.
He didn't have much time to hide the bodies. Didn't have time to waste unnecessarily squandering every valuable second he had left on them. He had bigger fish to fry.

The wardens would be here any minute to do their morning rounds and so would she, so he knew he had to act quick. Rounding up their bodies, by placing them side by side from one another, David wasted no time and got to work.

He hauled Becca along the floor first and dragged him towards the steel bed. He could hear the sound of mechanical doors opening and closing and the distant thud of echoing footsteps along the hallways, as a reminder that time was running out for him.

Thankful that his attention was focused on his surroundings, he was able to discern her presence in the room, the air becoming cold to his touch, igniting an unreasoning fear in him. Stopping what he was doing, he dropped Becca to the floor and moved towards the steel bars.

When David looked again his cell had been shrouded in a mass of complete darkness. There was a dull ache, lingering through his body, as he felt something burning and tearing away at his flesh, its raw frame chaining him to the wall.

Squeezing his eyes open, the sound of the warden's truncheons could no longer be heard rattling the gates or their footsteps hurrying along the hallways. There wasn't a gruff cough from an inmate or the sound of their bed posts creaking like ships filling the corridors. Everything was silent, pitch-blackness descending upon his cell like the dead of night.

She had transformed into Melissa just like she did the night before when she seduced him. Her naked body was pressed against his, while she slipped her cold hands down his pants and coiled her fingers around his manhood, violating him again.

Incensed and repulsed, by her persistent efforts of trying to seduce him, David slapped her hand away and attempted to flee for his life, but he was soon thrown against the wall, his diaphragm burning as if it were on fire.

He screamed begging for someone to help him, but no one came. No one listened or acknowledged his cries for help. No one cared.

David collapsed to the ground, and when he opened his eyes again, she began crawling on top of his feeble body. Her teeth were shining like fangs, as he helplessly kicked and screamed on the floor beneath him when he felt his pants being ripped off his body.

The more he tried to get up and fight back, the faster she would throw him down, on the cold, hard adamantine floor, exerting her dominance over him, leaving him paralysed. He'd never felt so broken as a man.

"There's no escaping me, no matter how hard you try," she smacked her lips at him, her evil laughter echoing in his ears, as she clawed her fingernails deeper into his chest before gliding them towards his neck. " You are mine, so get used to it now."

He felt something cold raking across his throat, her sharp pointy nails, paralysing him into a state of helplessness, like she always would do when she wanted to have her way with him.

Derek you son of a bitch...I'll make you pay for this, David thought before the make-shift knife slipped from his fingers and complete darkness overtook him.

I'll make you pay for this, David thought before the make-shift knife slipped from his fingers and complete darkness overtook him

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Word count: 1608k

Looks like the tables have turned on Derek's evil brother. Do you think David got what he deserved? If you enjoyed this chapter, please don't forget to vote and comment! X

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