Chapter 43. "Perfect"

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Annabeth felt her heart pounding as she tightly held Emmalyn's hand. Emmalyn smiled at her and softly kissed her knuckles. Emmalyn looked ahead, and Annabeth looked at her. Nothing else seemed to matter, it was just Emmalyn and her. She leaned against the black seat of Emmalyn's car, Emmalyn opened the hood and she felt the sudden rush of air. She shivered a bit, "are you cold?" Emmalyn asked.
"No, I am perfect," Annabeth said.

"Hold still," Emmalyn said. Annabeth held her hand as they sat on the rock, beneath the stars. It became their spot in these past few weeks. The spot they spent most of their time. All of a sudden it felt different. It felt real, they felt real and it was overwhelming. "Somehow feels strange doesn't it?" Emmalyn said. "It does," Annabeth said, looking at the sky. "Em, are we..." Annabeth trailed off. Emmalyn took a deep breath, "we have all the time in the world sweetheart, we will be fine as long as we are together. We will be fine" Emmalyn assured.

Annabeth nodded and rested her head on Emmalyn's shoulder. "You know what, it is late I should get you home," Emmalyn said. Before dropping her off, she pecked her lips one last time, "I can't believe it is happening, you are here. You don't know how much I thought about you" Emmalyn whispered. "See you tomorrow, Em," Annabeth said, before getting out. She waved at her once before closing the door. Emmalyn had been feeling the same way about her.

Alex knocked on her door twice. It was around 2 in the morning. "Come in," she shouted, a huge smile constant on her face. Alex slowly opened the door with the same smile, "I know you are excited Ollie, no need to wake the whole house up. So are you?" he asked making himself comfortable in her bed. "Yep' she said, he gave her his hand, and she high-fived him. He sat beside her, and she lay her head next to him, He slowly massaged her scalp. She closed her eyes. "This is a huge thing Annabeth, are you sure you both are ready?" he asked. "I think I am, I don't want to hide once I have realized who I love and that is her, and Alex I don't think I am into boys. I know I am not into boys."

"It's your life, love who you want, live how you want," he said. She got on her elbows, "What?" he asked. "I have a date tomorrow, she asked me out," she said. "Good luck," he got up, patting her head. "Be careful with your heart, don't give to just anyone. It's extremely late go to sleep kid" he said. She hugged him tightly before he closed the door after him. She closed her eyes. She had a date the next day.

"These pancakes are amazing," Adam said sitting at their table. It was a weekend and like their weekend tradition her mother flipped the golden pancakes. "I am glad you liked it, Adam," her mother said from the kitchen. "Are you going to the beach with me and Chris we are planning to maybe we will play volleyball,  don't know haven't decided yet, maybe get some ice cream too," Adam said. It was just them at the table. "She can't," Christina said, walking in. "She has a date," Christina winked at her. She had texted Chris at night before going to bed. "With whom?" he asked. "Emmalyn," Annabeth whispered. "She told you," Adam asked.

"What did she say,?" he asked. "What are you talking about?" Chris asked, taking a bite of her pancakes, "These are great, Mrs. Reed," Christina said. "Thank you, honey," her mother said. "She told me she liked you months ago," Adam said. "Months?" Alex and Chris asked in unison. Chris got up and slowly kissed his lips. Annabeth and Adam both rolled their eyes, watching them. Even after years they were still in their honeymoon phase."Months?" Alex asked sitting next to Annabeth, his arm around her shoulder. She lifted his arm, "you stink," she said. "So do you," he said, pouring chocolate syrup on his plate. "You know?" Adam asked. "He was the first person I told," Annabeth said. "Man and we thought we were special," Chris said.

"Well, it is a sibling thing, besides where is she taking you?" Alex asked. "She didn't tell me, she just said it would be the best day of my life," Annabeth said. " You could learn something Alex," Chris said. "You could learn something too" Alex countered. "Guys can we not," Adam said. Soon her phone buzzed and it was a text from Emmalyn.

Will pick you up at 12

She smiled, "what is she saying?" Adam asked. "She will pick me up at 12," Annabeth said. "It's nearly 11, you have to get ready, you have to look your best," Chris pulled her up from her chair and dragged her to her room. Chris stood in front of her open closet while Annabeth sat on her bed, "It has to be fashionable but classy, you shouldn't give the impression of trying too hard. Adam sat next to her, "You sure you want to listen to her?" he asked in a whisper. "Let's see," Annabeth whispered back.

Chris held up a green sweater with a black skirt "it is giving dark academia vibes" she said. "No, she is going on a date, not a museum sighting," Adam said, standing up. "You never know," Chrie said. He pulled out a maroon sweater and a pair of brown plaid pants. "It is still giving dark academia vibes," Chris said. Adam ignored her and threw a scarf at her, "wear it with your glasses and pearl rings you would look good, and FYI, Emmalyn's favorite color is maroon." he said turning to Chris.

Annabeth got dressed and wore a light layer of makeup around 12 she got a text.

I am outside your home

I am coming downstairs

She took a deep breath and walked out of the door, suddenly she was thankful for the scarf. She tightened it around her neck and saw Emmalyn wearing a white blouse and hot pink palazzos. Annabeth smiled as she got in her car.

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