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The kid looks at me and then drops her stuff and runs. I thought she might of stole something so I had to have Hailey grab her. I turned to Hailey and watched as just grabbed the kid and wrapped her arms around her. The kid was struggling to get out of her grasp. I had to go and help Hailey hold this kid down. " Hey, hey, calm down ok. Your not in trouble unless you should be" I tried to speak in the softest voice possible. Even though we tired to calm this kid down she just kept trying to get out of Haileys arms. I knew that at this point she could hurt someone or even herself so I had to put some cuffs on her. " hey look at me, ok? I am going to but some cuffs on you. And it's not because your in trouble we just need you to calm down and not hurt you or anyone" again I said it in a soft calm voice. I was trying not to scare her but when I took out the cuffs she started to cry. 

I didn't want to take her in I mean technically she has done nothing wrong. I didn't know what to do so I continued to go with me plan. I but the cuffs on and walked her to my truck. I sat her down and looked at Hailey for help. Hailey then got on to the other side and sat with her rubbing her back. And to my surprise it started to work. She was calming down. I then had a chance to look over her bruised body. And I am guessing Hailey did to because she gave me a sad look. After a good 5 minutes the kid was calm and not crying so hard. That's when I started to ask her about where she got the bruises, and why did she run? " ok honey, I am going to ask you some questions and I need you to be honest." " can you do that for us?" My amazing girlfriend said.  The girl just nodded. "Ok 1." I thought I should start off easy and then get to the hard stuff. " what's your name?" "l-l-Lilly" she said in between sobs. " we'll hello there Lilly my name is Jay and the girl next to you is my girlfriend Hailey. Now why did you run from us?" She looked at me for a second and then looked at the floor. " I-I-I- I didn't d-do an-anything w-wrong I pro-promise." She said again in between her cry's.

" I believe you.  Now can you tell us what happened to your face?" I said I knew that she probably wouldn't tell me but it was worth a shot. And like I thought she just nodded no. Then my partner said " we'll let's do this if you ever need me or Jay then you just call this number ok. And we will help" I also nodded my head yes. Lilly looked up and took my card and nodded. We took off the cuffs and watched her walk home.

I turned to Hailey, " we might not of saved her right now but maybe we saved her in the future." She just nodded in response. I know this case are hard for her, as she has gone through something like this when she was a kid. I got the milk and we drove home with the only thing talking to us it the soft sound of the radio. 


When I tell you that I ran home I mean I RAN home. You might of thought that I was training for the Olympics. I got to my house steps and stop for a minute. I thought ' 1. (please cover your ears) HOW AM I SO STUPID!?!!! I MEAN WHO SEES TWO COPS AND THINK "OH LET ME RUN FROM THEM" THATS LIKE THE NUMBER ONE RULE NEVER RUN FROM A COP!! 2. I needed to hide Mr. Jays card. If my "dad" finds it then I'm dead.'  I hide the card underneath my shirt and walked up the steps and into the warm-ish house. I walked in to see my dad sleeping so that means I could go grab groceries tomorrow before he wakes up. I then jogged to the bathroom and washed my face, and body. I got out of the shower and changed in to my Pjs. Said goodnight to anyone who was listening to me and headed of to bed. I mean it was 10:47 pm and I did have school in the morning.


When we got home I walked up to are tiny apartment and opened the door with the keys. I know they say you should never take a case personal but first she was not a case, and second this was different. Those type of things get to me. And I knew that Jay knows that too. I showered and got dress. It had been a long day even though we had no case at work. I walked in the bedroom to see Jay sitting on the bed waiting for me. "Hey the-" before I could finish my sentence I was pulled into a hug. I didn't reject it and took up the offer. " I know how you get with this and I want to make sure your ok" he said while we were still in mid hug. " I am fine... ok never mind I can't lie to you. I am just glad she took your card and stuff." I said and we pulled out of are hug. " yeah me too" he said and then kissed me on the cheeks. "We should go to bed, night" I said as I was climbing into are bed. He nodded and did the same on his side. I closed my eyes and fell right asleep. 

Little sis (DISCONNECTED!!!!!!!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang