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Kate was surprised when she woke and it was morning. She could hear Tom in the shower, and the clock told her it was just after 7. At least she wasn't so sleepy now. She sat up in bed and sent a text to Lizzie, letting her know she was safe in Canada. Opening her tablet she saw an email from David Parsons, the police prosecutor. Her stomach churned as she opened it.
As discussed Mr Waters has entered a plea of not guilty and our hearing is set for Monday 26th of May at 9:30am. If there are any problems with this day please let me know. He has denied all charges, and you need to be prepared for the defence lawyer to attack your credibility. I would like to meet with you a couple of times before the hearing if possible, just let me know when you arrive.
Kate's heart sank, and she wondered if this was ever going to be over, if she could ever just put it behind her. She let out a long sigh.
"What's wrong darling?" Kate nearly fell off the bed. She hadn't even heard the water turn off let alone Tom walk in to the room. He laughed softly. "Sorry. Apparently I'm a ninja without even trying." He sat down next to her on the bed. "You ok?"
"Yeah. I had the most amazing sleep. I just got an email from Parsons, Dean is pleading not guilty and denying everything. I should be prepared for them to attack my credibility apparently. Ugh. I'm not sure I can do this."
"You can. You can do anything. You can even change your mind if you want and they'll accept a written statement, he told you that. But I think you can do it, and I think you really want to. Don't let him win, or he will keep beating you and haunting you." He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. "What do you want to do today? I know I said you should just relax, but it's up to you. If you'd rather not be alone you can come hang out in my trailer, or you can go out. I can do without Harry for the day and he could take you sightseeing?"
"Um, I don't know. When do you have to go?"
"In half an hour. We're putting in extra hours to get it finished. I can send Harry back to pick you up? Or you can get a cab, or I can get a cab and leave you the car?"
"How about I just think about it over breakfast. But I can organise myself Tom, it's OK. I'm a big girl."
He smiled. "I guess if you can tour 3 continents in 8 weeks you can probably find your way around Toronto huh?"

After he left Kate showered and dressed, it was nice to be able to go out without a coat, it was spring in Toronto and starting to warm up. His apartment was lovely, she found it strange that he had made a temporary home she knew nothing about. She hadn't seen much of it the night before, and discovered there was a covered verandah at the back off the bedroom. She found a book and sat outside, trying to take her mind off the hearing. When it was a decent time in Australia, she called Nerida, her mother.
"Hey mum, how are you?"
"Oh sweetheart it's good to hear your voice. Everyone here is good. A bit stressed about the hearing, but good. How are you?"
"Tired but good. Ah, I'm in Toronto. Canada Toronto."
"What are you doing there? I thought you were going to London to pack and come home?"
"I am, I just made a detour. Tom came to see me in Berlin and we're back together. He's coming with me for the hearing."
"He's coming here? Oh Katherine that's wonderful. You sounded so sad when you told me what happened," Kate heard her voice crack and sniffing on the other end.
"It's ok mum. I'm ok."
"It's just can't believe I let that happen to you and I didn't see it. What sort of mother doesn't see her daughter being hurt?"
"One who's daughter knows how to hide it. It's ok, really. We'll talk about it when I'm home. I was just calling to see if you'd know anywhere for Tom and I to stay."
"Why can't you stay here?"
"For a month? Mum, there's going to be media and photographers hassling you enough. You don't need hiddlestoners as well." Nerida laughed shakily. "Yes mum they have a name. And they're lovely, but fanatic. I think we'd best get an apartment."
"Kate, there's a house up the road that's leased for holidays. It would be perfect."
"OK, can you send me some details and I'll have a look? We probably don't need a whole house, but it can't hurt to look I guess."
"Will do honey. Take care of yourself. And let Tom take care of you."
"I am mum. I will. I love you."
She hung up and decided to go and visit Tom for lunch, if she could just keep herself sane for another hour and a half. Where is a piano when I need one?
Kate found the next best thing, a stereo and her ipod. She turned the music up on shuffle and sang at the top of her lungs, dancing around the loungeroom. Thank god no one could see her, but it passed the time.

At 11:30 the cab picked her up and took her back to the set. It was bustling with activity, but she couldn't see Tom. Eventually she found Harry who told her Tom was in his trailer and showed her where to go. Tom was still in costume, sitting at the table reading with music playing. The door was open and he saw Kate peer inside. "Hello my darling, come in." He said, looking up.
"I always think you're gorgeous but that costume is creepy Tom," Kate said.
"It's supposed to be," he said in a gravelly voice.
"How's it going today?"
"Not bad, after lunch we're reshooting a scene that's been completely rewritten. I'm just reading it over a few times. Are you staying for a while?"
"I can, I don't have any plans. I thought I'd have lunch with you and then see what happens."
"Excellent, we're breaking for lunch shortly and then you're welcome to watch. We should be done early today. Well I should. We can go out for dinner if you like?"
"I'd love to. Do you know where?"
"I have no idea actually. I haven't really eaten out since I've been here."
"That's OK I think I know who to ask."

Kate had sushi for lunch and was conscious of Tom's eyes on her, making sure she ate enough. It was a familiar feeling, except before she had been watched so she didn't eat too much. She still didn't like it. "Tom," she said sternly, "I'm eating. I'm eating plenty and I'm fine."
"Sorry darling. You are, and I trust you. I just don't want you to get sick."
"I won't. Sorry, I shouldn't get mad at you for caring." Tom's eyes suddenly widened. "What?"
"Did he do that to you?"
"Did who do what?"
"Did Dean..."
"Criticise my weight and control what I ate?" Tom nodded. "Yes." Kate looked down at her plate and put down the piece of sushi she had been eating.
"There's still a lot I don't know, isn't there?" He asked gently. Kate nodded.
"I'm not keeping anything from you, it's just that it went on for years. There are probably still things I don't remember. There are memories that just pop up out of nowhere, or they're triggered by something. I guess I'm still processing it. If I just dumped it all on you at once you'd suffocate."
"It's all going to come out in the hearing though."
"It's know, and before that I'll be talking to Naomi and Parsons and that will probably trigger more."
"I'll be there with you. I want to hear it, all of it. I want to understand."
"Are you sure? It's a big bucket of crazy up here," she pointed to her head and Tom laughed.
"I love crazy."

Backup Girl [Tom Hiddleston] {EBT book 2/4}Where stories live. Discover now