Chapter 1

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Lee Gon was counting down the seconds till the ending of his so-called weekly meeting with the Prime Minister. He had a grueling week of meetings, ceremonies, events, and document signings. He didn't even get to talk to his best friend Yeong, although he was always around him. Lee Gon was getting a headache as Prime Minister Keep spoke in her high-pitched voice.

Gon pinches the skin between his brows, attempting to crease the dull aching in his head without alerting others. But he detects someone watching him, and sure enough, his beloved captain is looking at him worriedly, one eyebrow raised in concern.

Gon looks at him and tries to offer him a reassuring smile that says everything is fine with him. But who is he attempting to deceive? With only a glance, Yeong can know what's going on with him. He observed Yeong getting ready to jump in and end the meeting, something Gon appreciates.

Yeong runs to him, concerned, as soon as the prime minister leaves.

"Pyeha, are you okay?" the captain said, immediately raising his wrist to order a doctor to get to him. Gon took the younger's hand in his.

"No, Yeongah, I just want to go for a walk." The King sighed deeply and rubbed his tired face, removing the mask of his cheerful demeanor.

Yeong examines the king's face; he notices that the older man is exhausted, and he is as well. They didn't have time to rest this week. King's schedule was jam-packed, and Yeong had to follow him everywhere since he had assigned critical tasks to his sub-captains. So the king's suggestion of going for a walk appeals to him as well.

"All right, Pyeha, I'll take care of that," Yeong responds, attempting to free his wrist from the king's grip.

The king gave him a surprised look as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Yeong raises his left brow, his expressions questioning the monarch.

"No refusals or lectures?" Do you mind if I go for a walk? Yeong-ah, do you understand what I mean by 'walk'?" The monarch asks, and his captain responds with a deadpan expression.

"Yes, Pyeha. I understand what you mean by 'walk.' And I'm not going to stand in your way. So let me arrange your trip." Yeong responds by gesturing with his wrist. The monarch let go of the younger's hand with a relieved sigh, rising from his seat and walking to the sofa before lying down.

Yeong had already ordered Jung-mi to take over as he watched the king rest on his comfortable couch.

"Pyeha, please don't leave before I return." I'm going to gather a few items and will be there in 30 minutes." Yeong stated this while bowing slightly and walked to the door.

"What are you going to tell Lady Noh, Yeong-ah?" The monarch asks as Captain holds the door handle to exit. Yeong gives him a little smirk before adding, "You don't have to know Pyeha." Before exiting the room, Jung-mi entered and took his place near the entrance.

Yeong heard him exclaim, "Yah, Captain Jo!"Do you want to be beheaded for real?" as the large doors shut behind him.


After taking care of things, Yeong joined the King on his so-called 'walk.' While riding Maximax, King examines the small backpack the captain was carrying on his back. On his horse, the captain approaches him.

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