Comfort (George x Reader)

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He sees you walking off crying, alone. He frowns and follows behind you but not too close. You head into the girls' bathroom and he stops and thinks for a minute. He asks one of the other girls where you live. No one gives him an answer because no one really knows. You were the quiet one in the school and no one really bothered talking to you but him. He was the one who cared for you the moment he saw you. He never really liked bullies and always used to stand up for you. Yet lately, after all he's done for you.. you decided to give him space because your scared he will turn out the way everyone else has done. You keep things from you when you don't want to. He has tried so hard to break down your walls but you never have.

He leaves and wait for you to come out the school gates. Once you do he decides to try and talk to you. "Hey (y/n) I've been looking for you all day but whenever I do see you... you walk off away from me. What's wrong?? I just want to help you ok? I hate how people treat you and you know I do but you never listen to me. I'm not like them ok?" He says desperately trying to get you to talk to him. You carry on walking, staying mute.

He sighs but still follows you and carries on talking but you cut him off saying, "Maybe I don't want your help! I just want to be alone right now away from everyone!! people say that you don't even mean what you are saying to me! they say your just talking to me as a bet because I'm so easy!! well guess what? im not!!" You shout at him while crying. You soon regret your decision when he looks at you hurt. He starts to walk off, "George.. I'm sor-" he cuts you off.

"No your not!! After everything I've done for you!! You act like this!! you seriously think I would take a bet because people think your easy?!?! I just like being friends with you! I like speaking to you. I feel sorry for you because I think you don't deserve this. But maybe you do deserve this! I cant believe I actually thought you'd like me back..." he says. He walks off and you just stand there. You don't speak for a couple weeks. You notice he doesn't come in half of the time but when he does he just looks depressed.

One day you confront him after school.

"what now? I don't have the time for you shouting at me because I really don't care ok?" he says. You sigh and get some things out your bag. You give him a card "I'm sorry." you say and you stay while he opens the card. He reads it and looks up at you "Your only just giving this to me now? after weeks of not speaking" he starts walking off again and you catch up to him so you can carry on talking. "I know and I'm sorry but I just needed time to think! I know I hurt you and I'm sorry. I just broke when I actually needed you most. I am so sorry I did that! I just need my Georgie back please!!" you stop him and stand in front so he cant move.

He looks down at you "why do you want me back y/n?". You hold his hands "Because it took me so long to find out that I actually love you after all this time of you protecting me. I only just realised and I'm so stupid for that" You say and smile up at him. He smiles and he moves his hand up to your cheek and strokes it "Do you really mean that?" he says and you nod. He smiles and kisses you "I've waited so long to finally do that y/n.... you have no idea" he smiles and sighs out in relief. He kisses you again and smiles into the kiss. "I am so sorry for whatever I have done in the past to you Georgie.. I never meant anything I said to you those couple of weeks ago.. I wasn't feeling too good and everyone was saying bad things about you to me and I couldn't take it because I thought the things they said were real so I'm so so so sorry for what I've said" you say to him and you stroke his hand.

"I know you are sorry.. you've told me a million times.." He laughs and brushes the hair our of your face "I forgive you for it so don't worry ok? I'm here for you.. your mine now and no one can change that hm? you just need to talk to me about your feelings from time to time ok? I just need to know that you are mentally ok.." He kisses your forehead and you nod and agree to what he has said. He takes your hand and pulls you along to the nearest shop. He lets you choose some snacks "Sooo I was thinking.. we could go back to mine and lay in bed and readdd some books.. well you would read books and id read comics" he laughs and pays for the snacks. He takes you back to his and up to his room. You both read and have dinner. You get along with his family very well. His mother finds you adorable and shows you baby photos of George despite his disagreements. Afterwards you both head upstairs and sleep in his bed huddled up together, facing each other. You stay together for years after that despite the lovers quarrels that have happened throughout the years. He still loves you and supports you with everything you do. He would never hate you for anything and he always forgives you. Even up to his death..

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