"I get it, but you're going to have to talk to them sooner or later." He tells me, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I know but, why won't they talk to me or tell me about the mafia? They just frustrates me. They know I have questions but they literally avoid me and the whole kidnapping subject but they are completely fine around Lukas! Ugh." I exclaim while sitting back in my seat.

"I think they are just scared that you'll see them differently. You remember when Hayley and I told you about our mafia? We were shitting ourselves, we didn't want you to see us differently, we didn't want to lose you." He reminds me.

"I guess I didn't really think about it like that..." I trail off as we pull up to his house.

"Well all I know is that you all just need to talk." Andy says parking the car.

"Yeah." I say.

Andrew and I made waffles and spent the rest of the morning watching Netflix in his room.

"No!!! Don't do it Caroline! Klaus is then one for you! Not Steffan!" I scream at the TV as Andy laughs at me.

"Don't you laugh. She has to be with klaus it's all I'll accept." I tell him angrily crossing my arm and glaring at him.

He just continues to laugh at me before looking at the time. "Shit we gotta go if we wanna make it by lunch." He tells me.

"Yeah okay." I groan as he laughs at me again.

When we get to the car I look through my bag. Fuck. I seriously didn't bring books.

"Hey can we stop at my house. I need to grab some stuff?" I look over to Andy while zipping up my bag.

"Yeah. Of course." He says.


"You haven't seen a science book around anywhere, have you?" I say to Andrew who is sitting on my bed while I'm running around looking for this fucking science book.

Where is this bitch?!

Suddenly I feel two hands on either side of my waist as I'm pulled back into a hard chest.

"You know you look really sexy today." Andrew whispers in my ear while kissing my neck.

I let out a breathy moan when he finds just the right spot where my should and neck meet. He continues to work that spot and the other areas of my neck as one of his hands trail up my front to the hem of my jumper before sliding under it and massaging my breast with his hand.

I continue to let out moans as he works my nipple with his hand pinching it and squeezing my breast.

I turn around and connect our lips. He swipes his tongue along my bottom lip wanting entry which I don't give.

I feel him smirk against me lips and let out a gasp when I sudden sharp pain land on my ass. He uses my shock to slide his tongue into to mouth exploring it as his hands move from my butt to thighs.

"Jump." He says breathlessly.

I do as I'm told and jump, wrapping my legs around him. He moves his hands again and takes my jumper off and starts kissing me neck and chest while walking over to the bed.

He lays me down on the bed while straddling my waist, trailing kisses down my chest to my breasts, stopping at my bra.

He starts to move the straps when my phone starts to ring.

"Fuck." I say breathless. I try to get up but Andrew pushes me back down.

"You can answer it late." He states going back to kissing my neck. When my phone starts ringing again.

"I should really answer it..." I trail off into a moan when he finds my sweet spot. He moves to my jeans, removing them and then as the resting his hands on my hips.

"Shit. I really have to answer it." I state as my phone rings again.

We both sit up and I reach for my phone to see who is calling me.

"Dante." I say emotionless, while bringing the phone to me ear.

"Where the fuck are you?!" He yells angrily through the phone at me.

"Around. I'm fine." I tell him. Soon I hear more voices, the voices of my others brothers. In the corner of my eye I see Andrew remove his shirt.

"Marina you know you should be in school. Why aren't you here." This time it's Aurelio who seemed pissed off.

"Didn't feel like going...so I didn't." Andrew has gone back to kissing my neck. Both his hands placed on my shoulders, pushing me to lay back on the bed.

"Marina get your ass to school before we hunt you down and drag you there ourselves." Lukas all but yells through the phone at me.

I stifle my moan when Andrew brings his hand and starts massaging my clit through my underwear.

Looking at him I can see the mischievous smirk etched into his face as he attacks my neck kissing and sucking as my brothers continue to scold me through the phone.

The next thing I know is Andrew taking my phone from my hand and bringing it to his ear.

"All of you shut the fuck up and leave us alone. Thanks." Is all he stays in an annoyed tone.

He hands my phone back to me as I can hear all my brothers shouting through the it again but I just hang up and toss the phone on the night stand.

"Now where were we?" I say giggling while connecting our lips.


It's been a few hours since Andrew left and my brothers are home. I haven't come out of my room yet, but I can hear them around.

I need to eat I'm so fucking hungry. I need to eat a proper meal. Maybe I'll make some pasta.

Yessss bitch! Pasta and pesto sauce,sun dried tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.

Okay yep food here I come.

I jump up from my bed and go to the kitchen passing the theatre room, seeing all my brothers in there watching a movie together.

Wow thanks for my invite.

*eye roll.*

I make eye contact with Aurelio who gives me a socked and guilty look. I just shake my head and continue to the kitchen.

~~few minutes later~~

Finally it's all done. I'm fuck starving.

Not gonna lie but this bowl of pasta looks so sexy right now or maybe it's the fact I haven't eaten a proper dinner in ages.

Taking a seat at the dining table, I dig into my pasta.

"Oh god something smells amazing." I hear one of my brother exclaim as footsteps come towards the dining room.

Soon enough all my brothers come into the room and all the chatter leaves as they all take their seats at the table.


I put my head down and pick up the speed at which I'm eating to finish faster.

I can feel the eyes off my brothers on me but choose to ignore them.

Finally I'm finished. I stand up and take my bowl with me and leave. As soon as I leave I can hear them start to talk again.

"We should just tell her. I hate this." I hear one of them say.

"It's not up to us, dad already said we are not to tell her anything. He doesn't want her to know. Plus she will get over it and go back to normal sooner or later." I think this time it's Romeo who spoke.

I scoff at this and leave for the kitchen to dispose of the bowl before grabbing my keys and leaving for Andrews house.

If they want to act like I don't exist, then I'll act like I never gave them a chance.

Going back to my normal. Hating them.

If they are waiting for me to just drop it and get over it, they are mistaken because that will never happen.

The Fire Withinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن