Chapter 4

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Aizawa POV:

I open my eyes once again to see the teachers' lounge.
Welp, we weren't being kidnapped after all.
I shrug and sit up in my sleeping bag. Then Nemuri comes in to the door and walks towards me with Mic right behind her.

"Yo, Sho! You finally rose from the dead!"
"Shut it, Zashi. Your whole enthusiasm is gonna be the death of me someday."
"Don't be a killjoy, Shota!"
Nemuri hands me a cup of coffee.
"Nezu wants us to come to his office. He wanted us to meet the guest you picked up."
"And since you already know them AND picked them up with YOUR students" Mic picks up "he wants you to join."

I sigh "I didn't get to know them yet."
Zashi tilts his head. "But you drove to the airport to pick them up and get them here?"
"I fell asleep" I say and take a sip of my mug.
"I must say I am not surprised" Nemuri laughs. "Now get up we gotta go"

3rd Person POV:

Knocking on the door they are let in by Nezu and sit down on the couch while Nezu filled five cups up with tea.
"Nezu, where are they?"

"Who is?"
Mic deadpanned at that.
"The guest you wanted us to meet?"
"Ah, that almost slipped my mind. She is here already." He hopped down and walked over to the door, opening it so it reveals a young 5,8 feet tall woman with dark green hair, reaching her mid back and a pirate hat with a feather on top.
Her grass-green almond-formed eyes opened in surprise with a fist raised to knock the door.

"Asui-san, there you are. Come on in."
With that the woman steps in and with Nezu she walks towards the three sitting there, stunned.
"Yo, guys. Shota! Ya rose from the dead!" She grins and looks at the other two.
"Nemuri, Hizashi, nice to see ya again!"

Nemuri's eyes widen in realisation.
"Wait... MITSUYA?!"
Mizu blinks. "I thought I told ya to call me by me given name a dozen of times?"
Mic still is confusion and whispers to his husband "Who is she? She feels familiar..."

"She was an underclassman of us back when we were in school here. Mitsuya Mizu."
From the outside he seems calm but he actually his inside is chaos.
She is here. After all this time.
"Wait" Zashi gasps "The one we all had a crush on and then she disappeared after graduation?"
"Yep, that's her." Shota smiles at him and they both agree to discuss it later.

They look up and focus on the scene in front of them.
Nemuri still stands there the same after she jumped up earlier.
"Mizu... is that you?" Tears make their way to her eyes and she runs up to hug her friend.
Mizu catches her in a hug, calmly rubbing her back.
"Yeah, it's me, Nem. I'm back, love."
"Mmh!" Nemuri hums in response and buries her face in Mizu's neck still crying out of happiness.


"Hold on... LOVE?!" Hizashi jumps up.
"And the tea continues to boil." Nezu remarks from his seat while sipping on his tea although it remains unheard.

This time it's a bit shorter but the next chapter will follow soon ;)

Best SynchroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora