Christmas Break

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"I knew you didn't know what to get him!" The familiar just rolled his eyes as he made that final leap to the top railing. Archie ignored her the rest of the day except for wishing her to be careful before she left to run some errands.

Angel was window shopping for what seemed like hours, finding nothing that Douxie didn't already have or wanted or needed. So she wasn't able to pick anything out today, but tomorrow she definitely would.

Music blaring on her headphones, just with one off so she could hear her surroundings, she walked home. Douxie said he had a surprise for her; no doubt an early Christmas present based on his voice. It seemed he was glad she was out for the night.

She was glad for some time to herself. It was nice to just walk and listen to her music. Until her mouth was covered by some kind of cloth and her middle had an arm wrapped around it as she was pulled back into an alleyway. The world went black before she could even think about using any sort of spell.

. . .

"Douxie, how much longer is this going to take?" Arch asked from his place holding up the side of the shelf in his dragon form.

"Not much longer, Arch," Douxie said, drill in hand.

"You know, when I became your familiar, this was not in the job description."

"There! All done, Arch."

"Finally," Arch sighed, letting go of the shelf and ploping down on it in cat form. It didn't feel nearly as sturdy as it should be for a bookshelf, but it was decent. Angel had been talking for weeks about how her shelves couldn't hold her books anymore, them being piled on the ground and desk.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad, was it Arch," Douxie chuckled as he started grabbing her books to place them on the brand new shelf. Arch reminded him that she was very particular about where things went, especially books, so he put them down.

"Shouldn't she have been back by now?" Now that it was mentioned, yeah. It was nearly nine and she hadn't at least called. When Douxie called her himself, he only got her voice-mail.

Ok, sometimes she didn't hear it or was too busy. He tried again after a few minutes to no avail. Douxie frantically repeated the action for the next thirty minutes. He was probably being silly, but he had to find her. Arch and Angel could double team on a lecture after.

. . .

The first thing she smelled was the remnants of whatever substance had been used to knock her out. She felt chains around her wrists, holding them behind her chair. Adjusting ever so slightly so it could possibly be seen as a sleeping movement, she felt the ones around he feet too.

"Why would you bring her here?" Wait... was that-?

"You're the one who wants to raise Angor Rot, Strickler," another voice answered with sickening glee in a German accent. She heard a tell tale goblin 'Waka chaka' in response. "And what better way to find the Inferna Copula then by interrogating a wizard. Wake her up." The sound of something being kicked her way made her lift her head up in response.

"It seems she is already awake," Strickler said bemused.

"It was you!" She yelled, glaring at him. "You're the changeling I saw go into the school!"

"My my," Strickler's friend chuckled, circling her. "Aren't you a smart human? The wizard shared his secrets, did he?" Angel's eyes widened against her will.

"Wh- what wizard? I'm the only one Arcadia has." She was lying through her teeth and the changelings could see it. They were master spies so of course they could.

Wizards: Tales Of ArcadiaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz