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7:15 a.m.
I took a deep breath, the smell of the sea along with the imperceptible salt that travels the air of the beach constantly, found it's way into my nose and magically dissipated the stress accumulated during my endless trip, the sound of the waves breaking on the coast relaxed the knots formed on my shoulders.

I gave one last look at the bus from which I had gotten off just a minute ago, I observed how it went away little by little knowing that it was a farewell for a long time from everything I knew, but I needed a new beginning, to get away from my roots for a while, give myself a break of all the good times, but above all of the bad ones, these came to my memory as if it they a waterfall, I shook my head as if that was going to free myself from my it, and stared at the landscape that surrounded me; it was frankly beautiful, I was in the highest part of the place, further down stood a picturesque village, and only in front, the sea, in all its splendor, the waves had a perfect height, and the sand shone with a blinding golden color, I wanted to see everything, and my mind could not process at the same time as my eyes moved.

I decided to take things more calmly, I inspired once again and adjusted my backpack back on my shoulders, it was all too new, I was thrilled to start my life here, of course, but also afraid, a dread that prevented me from letting go completely, a terror that assured me that I could not survive on my own.

Will relax, it's just a vacation, there's no need to worry.

For once I tried to follow my instincts, I was here to take a break from everything, I would have a job of course, it wasn't a full shift at the moment, I shared it with a girl named Maxine, I was happy not to have to live with a man for the rest of my days here, let's just say I was more comfortable with a woman by my side.

This would be a vacation...Free of boys. They already hurt him enough as it was.

I started walking down the street, it was completely empty, surrounded by sand and several dry plants, nothing fantastic, I decided to check the name of the restaurant where I would work: 'The seagull'.

I had reread it a total of five times, and I knew it by heart, but my nerves were on the surface at that time and no precautions would be poorly received, no matter how unnecessary they were.

In a short time I arrived at the town, I continued walking to the beach without taking away my sight of the houses, they were all different from each one, and the amount of color that was in the streets clouded my eyes in the best way possible.

I would see it later.

I stopped fantasizing and I calmed up as best I could, but I didn't feel comfortable, my shoes were full of sand, and my skin was more humid than normal, so it felt sticky, my hair was messy, and I definitely wasn't wearing the right clothes for the beach, even though I felt disgusted of myself I kept walking, willing to act like an uninhibited person, although I was sure that it wouldn't seem credible, because it wasn't that kind at all.

I continued walking straight to the beach and in a few minutes I arrived at the restaurant, I tried to fix my hair with my hands, but it just went back to place, so I gave a loud sigh and knocked on the door.


Just as I was about to knock again, I heard loud steps approaching.

A red-haired girl peeked out the door, she had beautiful blue eyes and dazing orange hair.

"We're not open yet, be sure to come later though!"

She looked at me with a blissful smile.

"I- I'm- She interrupted me.

"Are you the new waiter?"


She grinned even more, the warmth she gave off was ineffable.

𝐈 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮|BylerWhere stories live. Discover now