Chapter three and four

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 Chapter three; Getting closer!

Alexx's POV

I got out of the shower and put on Logan's clothes, undergarments, socks, then my boots. I dried my hair and then went to the kitchen where Logan had already put the food on the table, but it looked and smelled very weird. I sat at the table.

"This looks gross, I'm so sorry." I confessed

"It's okay and don't diss it before you try it." Logan joked

I tried the food and surprisingly I really liked it. I quickly devoured all the food and then washed the dishes after of course, I'm just a guest after all. As I was washing the dishes Logan came up behind me and rapped his arms around me to put his dishes in the sink. I could feel myself turn tomato red. Logan stayed there for a second then he looked at my face because I had stopped moving.

"Are you okay you look a little red." he whispered in confusion. I felt myself getting a little redder.

"Do you need me to check your temperature?"

"No, I am okay, thank you for asking though."

Then Logan left and went to his room. I finished cleaning the dishes and went to Logan's room to ask him where I should stay.

"You can stay in my room. I do have a king-sized bed, and we can make a pillow border in between us." he suggested

"Okay." I sighed, as I walked into his room and flopped on his bed. Hours go past of me just thinking of my past and how much better my life is on this island.

"Hey, it's around 1 am do you want to go to sleep now?" Logan asked

"Yea." I groaned, as I crawled onto one side of the bed. I fell asleep very quickly.

Chapter four; Late night love!

Logan's POV

I took off Alexx's boots because he had been wearing them all day and they looked extremely uncomfortable... and he started to float. I was surprised and I quickly grabbed him by the hips. But I get it, I have a secret too. I have fire powers and I get how difficult it is to have powers. I tightened my grip on Alexx's hips and body in general, I felt comfortable with him and safe even. I fell asleep while thinking about how happy I am that he came into my life. I woke up around 4:30 AM and it was raining. I put my waited blanket on Alexx, Then I went to go sit in the rain for a while. I put on some trash clothes and a pair of socks. I stepped outside and it was raining blood so that means it's going to be a blood moon tomorrow. I'll worry about getting prepared for the blood moon later.

Alexx's POV

I woke up around 5:00 AM. I had a waited blanket on which was strange because I don't remember putting a waited blanket on myself. I went to stretch, and I could move my toes around. As I started to freak out, I saw my boots next to the bed on my side. I let out a huge sigh of relief as I put them on and got up to go look for Logan. I walked around the house and looked in every room, that's when I realized it was raining. I decided to step outside, and that's when I saw Logan, just laying down on the ground in the rain. The rain was red which was weird because that's not a normal color of rain. I walk over to Logan and offer a hand to help him get up.

"Hey why's the rain red?" I asked.

"It's blood rain, there's going to be a blood moon tomorrow. It always rains blood the night before a blood moon." Logan explains

"What's a blood moon?" I ask again

"A blood moon is when all the people from the dead come back to life for a week and you must try to survive. The more blood moons there are a month the harder it gets." Logan explains again

"Wow that must suck." I comment

"Yeah, and it sucks that you came the day before one." Logan comments

"Oh, right I forgot about that. Maybe we should dance to get our minds off the blood moon." I slyly suggested, he nodded in agreement and grabbed my hand. I pulled him up and it was surprisingly easy.

"How much do you weigh? Not trying to be rude." I asked

"80 pounds." he confessed

Wow, I thought as Logan pulled me into the dancing position. We started to slowly sway, I could feel the love growing in between us. I smiled and savored every second of this dance. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I saw a dark figure run across the bushes behind Logan, I thought nothing of it.

"Hey, do you want to have breakfast, if yes I have to go get some food." Logan suggested

"Yea I'm pretty hungry I would love some more of your delicious food." I joked. 


A/N sorry these are really short im pacing myself only writing a couple chapters at a time

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