Chapter two

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Chapter one; The beginning!

Third person POV

This story starts on an island known as danger island; there was a boy that's name was Alexx who got washed up after having a bad storm on the island called outer banks. And he has a secret, HE CAN FLOAT but he has special shoes that make sure he stays on the earth. He has been out of his house for hours at a time, but this is the longest time he has gone without going home. It's been 48 hours (about 2 days) since the last time he was home. Alexx has perfect flowing short brown hair that is now drenched in seawater, He has beautiful blue big eyes with the longest lashes you could ever imagine, but now he has dark circles under his eyes. He is about 5'9 with black drenched sweatpants and a white T-shirt. He got up and dried his hair out and started to look around. He saw some big woods and little huts. He went up to one of the huts and knocked on the door, A young boy opened it. He had curly short brown hair with beautiful brown eyes and has long lashes too. He was about 4'11, And super skinny.

Chapter two; Meeting Logan!

Alexx's POV

"Umm sorry I just washed up on this land can I stay in your hut for a little bit. By the way, my name is Alexx." *I explain*

"Umm sure, and my name is Logan. Please make yourself at home it is a bit messy though, I wasn't expecting to have company." He chuckled as he let me in.

"Do you want some clothes you look a little wet, and you can take a shower while I make some food? Umm, I have an Alexa if you want to play some music while you take a shower." Logan suggested.

"Umm sorry again, but umm sure and thank you for the food, clothes, and shower. Again, I'm so sorry for just barging in."

"Here are some clothes and the Alexa, the bathrooms down the hall and to the left."

"Thank you." I said as Logan handed me some black jeans and a black and red dragon shirt, then the Alexa. I walked down the hall and took a turn at the end. I opened the door, and it was a room I was confused for a second, but then I realized that this was Logan's room. I looked around the room and found the bathroom, I walked into the bathroom and opened the curtain.... and there was a GIGANTIC MOSQUITO and it started HISSING AT ME. I SCREAMED AT THE TOP OF MY FLIPPING LUNGS

"What....what happened?" Logan said as he ran into the room

"shoot" he whispered, as he ran out of the room. Then he came back with a crossbow and shot the thing.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Well, that was a chimparay { kimp-pa-ray }, they are extremely dangerous they hiss at their pray then devour them whole. I got this scar from one." He explained as he lifted his shirt and there was a big scar across his stomach. Wow, that's a big scar I thought. Logan left, then I took off my clothes. As I took my shirt off it stuck to my body, when I looked down at my arms, I saw my feet I remembered all the inconvenient times of being locked up in rooms for days at a time without food or being able to bathe myself, it sucked. I looked at Logan's clothes and grabbed them then put them on the toilet lid. Then I grabbed the Alexa then plugged it in. I took a towel off the rack and placed it on the toilet lid next to the shower on top of Logan's clothes. I turned on the song cradles by sub-urban. I slowly took off my boots and started to float. I had to hold on to everything for my dear life, but I had done this many times before, so it was much easier by now. I got into the shower.

Logan's POV

I had been really worried about Alexx because whomever Enter's this island never escapes I've been here for 13 years basically my whole life. I have tried to get off this island so many times you cannot even count. My mother lost me at sea when I was three and a mermaid brought me to this island to safety, where I helped other people adapt to living here. I stopped thinking about my past and started to cook. I grabbed some slender { a very dangerous eel that is DELICIOUS to eat by the way, but it summons the thunder gods, and basically if you've stolen anything worth something in money the thunder gods electrocute you to death } and some exploding berry's { they are really good with the slender } I put all of it on two plates with some potatoes and set it on the dining table. 

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