"I know," the man said with a smirk. He eyed the blood stains on Elena's shirt. "Just a taste."

Then his face morphed, eyes turning red and veins appearing underneath them. He lunged at Elena, but another person arrived to stop him.

"Trevor!" the woman snapped. Lottie looked at her with wide eyes, taking in her sharp features and more commanding presence. Kol was standing next to her, his arms crossed and looking displeased. Lottie suspected he knew these vampires. "Control yourself. Not her."

"Buzzkill," the one named Trevor muttered. But then he smirked and his eyes fell on Lottie, who had already wrapped a protective arm around Elena. "Good thing the human managed to pick up a treat on the way."

Before Lottie knew what was happening, she was sped against a wall with fangs digging into her neck. Lottie had never been bitten by a vampire, so she'd never heard herself scream as she did — so loud that it drowned out the concern from Elena, Finn, and Kol. After only a few seconds, Trevor was ripped off of Lottie and thrown across the room by the woman.

Lottie sunk to the ground and placed shaky hands over the large bite on her neck, crying from the pain. Both Finn and Kol knelt before her, wishing they could do anything at all — hold her, heal her, kill Trevor.

"We agreed she'd be offered to him as well," the woman told Trevor sharply.

"I'll kill him," Kol snarled as Trevor left the room, clueless to the rage he'd created. "Once out of my coffin, I'll spend every waking moment hunting that bastard down."

"What do you want with me?" Elena managed to ask, nervously looking between the woman and the still-crying Lottie.

The woman finally took the time to study Elena. "Oh my god, you look just like her."

"But I'm not. Please, whatever you—"

"Be quiet!" she snapped over Elena's crying.

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert," Elena continued. "You don't have to do this."

"I know who you are, I said be quiet," she instructed.

But Elena kept pressing. "What do you want?"

Lottie choked on a gasp as Rose smacked Elena hard, sending her back onto the couch and completely unconscious. "I want you to be quiet," she muttered.

"To be fair," Kol began, eying Elena's body. "Rose Marie did warn her."

Rose was her name, though Lottie didn't really care at that moment. She focused on herself and pulled her hand away from her neck, whimpering from how the blood coated her hands and stained the white lace of her dress.

"You," Rose said, now looking at Lottie. "Stay here. Don't cause any trouble."

Lottie nodded shakily and watched as Rose went off to likely find Trevor.

"Ástin mín," Finn said softly. It meant 'my love' and were some of the few words in his native language that Lottie could identify. "We need you to find something to help stop the bleeding."

"There's a blanket over here," Kol said, his eyes falling on a couch. Though he cringed when he saw how dirty it was. He didn't really understand how infected wounds worked, but supposed it was better than watching his mate slowly bleed out.

Lottie followed Kol's instruction and slowly got to her feet before getting the blanket and pressing it to her neck. Both men flinched as she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

"Kol, you know these vampires?" Lottie asked, speaking so quietly that she almost couldn't hear herself over the blood drumming in her ears.

"It's to do with our brother's curse. No doubt, they plan to hand the Gilbert girl over in hopes of freedom — they're the reason that Katerina managed to escape five hundred years ago," Kol explained shortly.

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