Ch. 9: Tragedy Strikes

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The next day, you're at work. You're in the break room with Elmo and Drake. You smile as you sip your iced coffee. Drake looks at you and says, "What was that all about, (Y/N)?" You say, "What are you talking about, Mallard? Nothing happened." 

Drake says, "The speech you gave, yesterday in the middle of the city. And towards Reggie Bushroot, nonetheless. I won't lie. That was cold." You say, "I've done nothing of the sort." You shrug and you sit back.

Elmo says, "Um, actually... I was there, too. I was standing further away." You sigh and you say, "Look guys. He had it coming. He wanted to ambush me like he did... he can get a taste of his own medicine. He deserved to be told off in front of over seven hundred, eight hundred St. Canard citizens for what he did to me."

Drake says, "(Y/N). He probably regrets it now. He..." You say, "I thought he'd be different from all the boyfriends who cheated on me, but nope. He was the worst. And I was only giving that advice to Gosalyn, so she won't have to make the same mistake I did... Be in a relationship in the first place. They all fucking suck." You drink your iced coffee.

You say, "Ah, that's good iced coffee." Elmo whispers, "My god. She does not care." You say, "Nope. I sure don't. I've seen what Reggie looks like now. Ha! Not as HOT as he used to be now, is he? That bloated fucking pig. Not just the looks. In general for that setup in the garden. But now the joke's on him. He's the embarrassed one!" 

You burst out laughing and Drake and Elmo look at you in disbelief. Yes, even Elmo and he's actually Megavolt. A major super villain. But even he and the other villains except Splatter Phoenix see you as a monster, now. You stop laughing and you say, "Ah." You drink your iced coffee. You say, "So... How's your guys' day going?" 

Elmo and Drake say, "Umm..." They look at each other. You stand up and you say, "Psh. Pathetic. Just like all men. You two are fucking lucky you're not HIM. I'm getting back to work." You finish your iced coffee and you threw the plastic cup away. You walk out of there. 

Drake says, "Holy shit. I have never seen even a super villain act this bad." Elmo says, "Trust me, Mallard... I haven't either. She's fucking twisted. Screwed up in the head from that last breakup." Drake says, "I miss the old her." Elmo says, "So do I, Mallard... So do I."


Later on, you get off work and you get home. You park outside on your parking spot since you live in an apartment. You've threatened anyone else besides Splatter Phoenix if they even tried to park in the two parking spots reserved for your apartment. 

Even if it was carrying a knife on you and getting out to point towards them. You've done it quite a few times since your change. So now, everyone in St. Canard knows how horrible you've become, but you didn't care. After all... There are far worse people out there.

You get upstairs and you get into your apartment. You shut the door behind you and you sigh and smile saying, "Good to be home." You walk towards your bedroom door and you get in your room. You walk to your bed and you plop down. You crash for a little bit.


Meanwhile, Bushroot is at home. He's to the point where nothing is going to make him happy. Nothing at all. He knew he couldn't get you back. You've changed so drastically and it was all his fault you ended up a remorseless tyrant. But this was the moment that was going to change everything... for everyone that knows and cares about him.

Bushroot's in his kitchen. He's in his robe. He looks tired and wore out. Spike is in there and he looks worried and scared. Bushroot says, "Spike... Go out for a bit, buddy. Here... Take some cash." 

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