The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

Start from the beginning

"Threten em with a little jail time, that'll loosen their lips." Ted suggested.

"Okay." You and Dustin said in usion.

"You wanna send our kids to jail?" Mrs. Sinclair asked.

"We need to take this seriously." Ted defended.

"He didn't mean it like that." Karen said.

The parents were overlapping their arguments for a minute until Cheif Powel had enough.

He stood up from his chair, "Shut Up!" He yelled.

Everyone quieted down.

"We're gonna try a more civilized approach." Powel suggested, "one at a time."

He pointed at Max, "you first."

Max objected, "wait what, why me?"

Powel started to walk off, "follow me."

"I'm not even in Hellfire." Max continued.

"Do I need to cuff you?" Callahan asked.

"I don't think you can do that." You said.

Max looked at you and the others before sighing and leaving.


Lucas stood on the far side of the island in the Wheelers kitchen as you stood on the side.

Dustin cane back from trying to contact Steve and set the radio back on the island.

"Anything?" You asked.

"Nothing." Dustin said.

"You don't think they went through?" Lucas asked.

"Through watergate?" Dustin asked, "Without us? Without a plan? Without weapons? They wouldn't be that stupid."

"I don't know, the cops didn't see anything on the water that we know of, they could have." You suggested.

"They could be laying low got us." Dustin said.

"The law?" Erica said walking over to the island with her juice box, "what is this? Gunsmoke? The stupid and the ugly?"

She leaned on the island, "should I round up the posse? Saddle the horses?"

"Erica." Lucas said, "please, just go away."

"Here's the deal," Erica layed her hands on the island, "ether you tell me what's happening or, I tell the love birds over here what I found under your bed."

You and Dustin's head snapped in Lucas's direction.

Lucas looked up, "please, no."

"Spill your guts, cow puncher." Erica said.

"What'd she find under your bed?" Dustin asked.

"Nothing." Lucas defended.

Dustin looked at Erica, "is it gross?"

Erica nodded.

You looked at Eria, "scale from one to ten."

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