In my office, I always made sure to order flowers every week to brighten up the space. It was an act that I was used to because he used to send me flowers every week but now I do that by myself. To make it even better, it begins to rain outside, the water rolling down my windows, lightning flashing.

I raised a hand to my neck, feeling at the turtle neck.

There was a sharp knock on the door before it was pulled open and Deborah walked in holding a medium sized tray. She placed it on the table and I turned my chair back to its appropriate position. She had made me coffee instead of tea and I could smell . . .

"I made you Irish coffee."

"And that is why I love you." I said as I reached for the huge mug. Beside the coffee was a tray of shortbread and macaroons. "Why can't I go on a date with you?"

"Because you like penises and what I have isn't even close to a penis." she said and I laughed. She was always so blunt whenever she talked to me. "Plus we're both bottoms."

"I beg your pardon." I said, pressing a hand to my chest. "I have no idea what you mean."

Deborah rolled her eyes at me again. "I will hand in my resignation letter if you keep fibbing." she said and I giggled. This girl.

I drank my coffee while she briefed me on what needed to be done, signed and approved today. Thankfully, I had no meeting to attend which is always a win in my books. For lunch, I told her to get me something from the Italian restaurant two streets over.

The day went on until suddenly it was seven and I had thirty minutes to get to the address Leah had texted me earlier. Deborah had gone home two hours ago but I didn't want to. My house was too quiet. I pulled on my brown trench coat and walked out of my office, turning off the lights as I left.

The gallery Leah had set up the date was literally just down the street from the office. I could walk but that meant I would have to walk back to get my car. Ugh. It took me less than five minutes to pull up to the front of the bungalow that was the gallery. There was also a parking lot beside the bungalow.

Once I had parked the car, I sent Leah a message, telling her I was about to go in. I got out of the car and made sure my doors were locked before making my way to the double doors leading into the gallery.

The gallery was a white bungalow with a huge set of doors and a black marble sign on the side that read The Haddel Gallery. Walking inside the gallery, I shoved both hands into my pockets taking in the sight. There were dotted lights in the ceiling and above the artwork, lighting them properly. There was the nice smell of. . . something woodsy in the air.

The artworks differ in size and had enough space between them and the next. I got so captivated, walking and looking at the art, getting lost in their possible meaning and the colors, the deep presses of the brush against the canvas.

There were a handful of people milling about the room but I paid no attention to them. Leah had said my blind date knew what I looked like and they would approach me first. So I didn't have to worry. I kept walking from one artwork to the other until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

When I turned around I found a man standing there, dressed in a suit. The man was a little taller than me, blonde hair with grey eyes and a lopsided smile. I mentally sighed as I stared at him but politely smiled. "Hi. You must be William." the man said.

"I am."

"Wow, when Leah showed me a picture of you, you looked very pretty but seeing you in real life is so much better. You look beautiful." the man said and I kept smiling politely at him.

"Thank you." I said and the man nodded. "What is your name?"

"Oh crap. I didn't introduce myself." The man reached into my pocket and took out a business card. "I'm Kenneth Kane, Managing Director at Apple Tech." the man said, handing me the sleek card. I barely glanced at the card before pushing it into my pocket.

"It's nice to meet you, Kenneth." I said. The polite smile seems to be working because Kenneth just looked even more interested or maybe he just has that much confidence in himself. He was handsome but he just wasn't right. To me. He wasn't tall enough, didn't have black hair or a deep voice.

"What a lovely place. Do you mind if we walk together?" he asked and I nodded. He held his arm out to me and I pulled my hands out of my pocket and with one last mental sigh, I wrapped my hands around his arm.

We walked and Kenneth talked while I chimed in here and there. He was about as interesting as a documentary on wood. I held on to his arm as I stared at the paintings. And then all of a sudden I could smell a very familiar scent of cologne and the last person I ever thought I would see, walks in my line of sight.

My lips part and my eyes widen.

The six foot five man walks in, blue shirt with a blue cardigan worn over it, fitted pants and shiny shoes. His black hair was parted at the sides and styled back. He was clean shaven. He looked as handsome as he was a year ago. Kenneth was talking but I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

I watched as the taller man looked around the room and I felt it when his gaze fell on me. He settles, like he was letting out a deep breath. I closed my mouth as I stared back at him. I wanted to run to him, to jump into his arms.

I watched him trail his gaze down my body until he saw where my hands were touching and there was a tick in his jaw. Like he was pissed.


I took a step forward and another and Harry watched me. I . . . stopped and looked away from, no. I could not do that. I shouldn't.

"Do you know him?" Kenneth asked and I turned to him.


"The tall man over there. Is he someone you know? Do you want to say hi?" Kenneth asked and I immediately shook my head.

"Can we go though? I'm hungry and forgot to have lunch today."

"Oh no! This will not do. What would you like to have?" Kenneth asked as we turned around. As I walked away from Harry again for the second time. Kenneth took me to dinner, and then I drove home, texting Leah a thumbs up emoji.

The date was awful.

And I could not believe I saw Harry again. The first time I met him and it's when I had my hands around the arms of another man. I wanted this day to be over already. My phone vibrated with a text from my mother but I didn't bother opening it. Instead I switched off my phone and threw it somewhere.

I took a shower and pulled on a nightshirt before getting into bed, turning off my bedside lamp. In the dark of the room, I looked up at the ceiling. It's been a year and Harry even looked better than I remembered him. It was heartbreaking seeing him, being in the same room as him.

I turned to my side and closed my eyes. I was just going to sleep and forget this ever happened. I just went on a nice date and that was all.

I am ready to fight for William. Who's with me?

be a couple chapters ahead, you can subscribe to my Patreon. The link is on my Wattpad profile or you can message instead. ❤️❤️

His Perfect Boy (DDLB) (ManxMan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora