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      The day after, was the scheduled day of having lunch with Dr. Brenner. The man hadn't had much to do with Faith after she quit attending lessons and began to work around the lab. In any possible scenario where Brenner and Faith had to be in the same room, he would find a way to avoid her. She didn't quite understand why, but her limited knowledge of who the man was kind of explained her curiosity. Although, his avoidance wasn't what had caught the attention of the girl; it was the dirty looks he was constantly giving to Henry. What did Henry do that continues to make him so mad?

After grabbing her lunch, consisting of a soggy sandwich and an apple, she sat down at a table to wait for Dr. Brenner. 

"He's not coming." The voice was unfamiliar to the girl. She turned to the voice, seeing an older man with gray, shortened hair, wearing dress pants and a button up. "I'm sorry?" 

"Brenner. He. couldn't make it today." Odd, she determined. "But, he did send me to take his place. I don't believe you remember me, Faith. I'm Dr. Owens." 

Faith thinks real hard. She couldn't recall anyone she'd ever met having the name 'Dr. Owens'. "I'm sorry." 

He raises his hands up, before taking a seat in front of her. "It's no bother, really. I figured you wouldn't remember me after getting injected."

She tilts her head, "Injected?" 

He nods. "Listen. Don't show any emotion, they're watching." Who's watching? "I'm not really here to study you and your siblings' powers. I'm here to uncover the mess Dr. Brenner has created. He's not who he says he is, Faith." Henry was telling the truth.

"I kind of already knew that," she whispers. 


"Hen-Peter. He told me."

Dr. Owens inhales, "Don't trust him either." 

Faith furrows her eyebrows, "What?"

"I know who Peter is, Faith. In fact, he isn't even Peter at all. Am I right?" He asks. Reluctantly, she nods. 

Dr. Owens grabs her hand, "Be careful of who you trust, Faith. Some people just..." he hesitates, "Just, be careful." With that, the man was gone.

Faith gulps. After that, she didn't have much of an appetite anymore. With a huff, she stands up, emptying her tray into the trash bin and placing the tray on top, walking out of the cafeteria. Walking down the halls, completely zoned out, she bumps into something. Someone.

"Eleven?" She realizes. "It's okay, it's just me. Faith." 

The smaller girl looks up at her, her innocent eyes so clearly afraid that Faith would snitch she's walking in the hallways unattended. "Why are you alone?" 

Her lip quivers, "I...don't know." Faith smiles, "It's okay, I'll take you back to your room." Eleven nods before taking Faith's hand, the older girl guiding her to her respective room. "You know, you could get into trouble." Eleven nods, "I know."

"So, why are you alone?" She shrugs her shoulders. "El, you can tell me."

"I feel more left out, now that you're gone," she admits, sadly. Faith sighs, opening her door, and closing it behind her. "I know. I kind of miss it sometimes." 

"It's lonely without you," Eleven says, sitting on her bed. 

Faith takes a seat beside her. "I'm sorry, El. I don't know why Papa changed me." Eleven shrugs her shoulder, focused more on fiddling with her hands more than Faith. "You know El, you could always come to me when you feel alone."

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