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      Things were definitely different now. Faith was given more freedom and she got to see Peter more. She had gotten quite close to 011–they even called each other their sister. Brenner was also different now, he made it essential that Faith were to have lunch with him every day—it was like a daily meeting type of thing, where she had to update him on her mental health and how her work was coming.

Peter was definitely quite distant, well—emotionally. Not physically. If anything he's absolutely tied to Faith's side. While she's doing her work, he follows her around like a lost puppy and sends glances her way while they're caring for the children. He walks her to her room, even stays for a little bit, and walks her to meal times. But, he doesn't tell her anything.

Every night, Peter comes to her room and stays until she falls asleep. Faith always notices that something is wrong with him, like something was bothering him.

"Peter, is everything okay?" She would ask, staring deep into his blue eyes. He would groan, aggravated that the girl was asking him such a question. "Everything is just fine, my dear." Peter would reply, moving closer to her.

They're relationship certainly wasn't the best, considering their unique situation, but they did make the most of it. Peter taught her everything she needed to know about relationships, and how they were supposed to work. He taught her how to kiss, how to feel, how to touch, and most ultimately how to love

It was late. Her day was the exact same as every other day. She woke up, put on her new clothes that Brenner had provided (a pair of bermuda shorts and a tank top), watched the kids during play time, cleaned the scheduled rooms, ate during meal times, then returned to her room, anxiously waiting for the boy that had taught her so many things.

Waiting, she untied her shoes, slipping her socks off and tumbling into her bed, staring at the ceiling. She took two fingers and placed them on the odd lump on the side of her neck. Faith blinks, completely oblivious to the fact Peter had entered her room.

"My dear," he calls, his voice clear and quiet.

Faith turns her head, removing her fingers, and standing up quickly. She gazes at the boy, his eyes practically sparkling as he looks back at her. She grins ever so slightly and takes in the sight of the boy. His white uniform was freshly ironed, opposed to his shiny, black belt and shoes. His sharp eyes peer at the girl, absolutely stunned at how she looks. He walks to her slowly, rolling up his sleeves to where they reach his elbows. Faiths breath shudders as he walks to her, finally reaching her and cupping her face so softly.

"You," he says, using a finger to trace her face, "are most beautiful, Faith."

Faith swallows, holding his free arms and stepping closer to him. Their breaths combine as he kisses her lips gently. Gentle, that's what she loved about Peter.

Pulling away, he tilts her head which gives him room to breathe in the surface of her neck. He pecks it multiple times, his warm lips some how making her shiver. His hand grabs her chin, twisting her head away more, giving him more room to her exposed skin. Faiths breathing became heavy, as she grips onto his other arm.  

When he's finished, he tilts her head back to a normal position smiling lightly at the girls reaction. Faith returns the smile, bobbing her head towards his own, trying to get closer to the boy, even though they couldn't be any closer than they already were.

She kisses him, moving her hands up his arms toward his face, holding him. She hears him chuckle as she deepens the kiss. He grips her waist tightly, dipping his face to hers, and pushing her onto the bed so she's in a sitting position.

He pulls away, taking a breath, then kissing her again. He slips between her legs, bending down so he reaches her. Peter picks her up and lays her further into the mattress, climbing on top of her. When he does this, her face flushes, pulling away suddenly. Peter furrows his eyebrows, "Did I do something wrong, my dear?"

Faith shakes her head, earning a smirk from the boy. "Have I made you flustered, Faith?"

She nods in response, earning another smirk from him. "Then, I suppose I should leave."

"No," Faith argues, pulling him back down to her.

He laughs, joining their lips again and returning to their previous position.

Peter pulls away, only this time to say something.

"I want you to call me Henry." 

Faith pulls away from his lips, "What?" 

"Brenner gave me the name 'Peter' when I first came here," he mutters against her skin as he continues to kiss her all over. "My real parents gave me the name 'Henry' when I was born. Now, I trust you enough to call me 'Henry' too." He explained, sliding her tank top up which revealed her stomach. "God, Faith," he groans taking in the sight of her. 

"Wait, wait." She pulls his hands away, sitting up, him soon joining her. 

"What- did I do something? Did I hurt you?" He immediately asks, holding her arms and looking for any possible injury. "No, Pet...Henry." 

"Then what's the matter?" He asks, slightly brushing her chin with his fingers. 

Faith bites her lip, "You...lied to me. About your name. What else are you lying about?" 

His whole demeanor changed in a snap of a finger. Henry's look of admiration soon turned to absolute anger. "I am lying to you about nothing, Faith. My birth name was drug through the dirt. They bashed my name simply because of who I was related to, no other reason. I was afraid that you'd reject me because of who I am, or who I once was. You had to gain my trust first. I trust you, now, and I expect you to trust me too." 

When he was done, Faith looks back up at him and simply nods. "I trust you, Henry." 

Henry smiles at the name, "Now, lay back down." 

she speaks!!! 

so I watched volume 2 and most definitely balled my eyes out. anywayyyyy here's another chapter :) also I was thinking about maybe doing a "real life" social media fanfic about Jamie and the girl who plays Faith, so lmk if you guys would like that 

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