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      Peter ended up staying in Faith's room until she fell asleep, last night. When their intimate moment happened, Peter didn't want to leave her, so he stayed. He laid back on her creaky bed, guiding her to lay on his chest. The time was tense, mostly because of the new feelings for one another. They sat in silence most of the time. Other times Peter had whispered sweet things to the girl and touched her where she was comfortable. "You're exquisite, Faith," he muttered, tracing her facial features with the tip of his finger. 

"The things I've done just for you," he admits, breathing her scent in. "And all the more I'd do to keep you safe." Admiring her face as she squirmed and made the most adorable sounds Peter had ever heard, as he rubbed his fingers along the innocent skin of her neck, face, arms, and legs. 

When she awoke, Peter was gone. She expected it, mostly because Brenner would have a fit if he found out. That day, Faith didn't attend any of the lessons Brenner had scheduled, as he was saving her for a lesson that was more challenging. 011 had been excluded from the lessons of the day, as well. No one knew the reason. 

The two girls were back in the rainbow room, two caretakers guarding the doors. Faith felt bad for 011, she never talked to anyone except her, Papa, and Peter. That's when Faith decided things were going to change for the younger girl. 

"011," Faith calls, peering over to the seat 011 was, "Would you like to play chess?" 

The younger girl instantly nodded her head, eagerly. Faith smiled, joining her at the chess table. After a few minutes of playing in utter silence, Faith asks, "How are your lessons going?" 

011 shrugs, a sad look taking over her once happy demeanor. "Bad."

"Could I," Faith pauses, making her next move on the chess board, "Help you?"

The girl across from her furrows her eyebrows, "How?" 

"When...when you use your powers, think of something that makes you mad, it helps me," she explains, slightly stuttering over her words. 

"Mad?" 011 questions, not quite getting it. "Yes, a memory," Faith suggests. 

011 shakes her head, "A memory?" 

That's when the door was slung opened, causing a loud noise to erupt when it collided with the wall. Brenner walked in, his lean figure tense, he was mad. "002, come with me." 

Faith peers at her friend, sighing as an apology, then scurrying away with the man. 011 follows her with her eyes, disappointed their conversation was cut short. Brenner drags 002 by her wrist down the dimmed hallways, groaning at the pinch his fingers were making. Finally making it to her room, Dr. Brenner shoves her into her room, Faith's body hitting the floor with a loud thud. She groaned. 

"What did you tell her?" He yells, demanding an answer.

The girl's lip quivered, "Tell who?" 

"Do not play dumb," he yells, "011." 

Faith sits up on her elbows, "I was helping her." 

Dr. Brenner's jaw clenched, clearly displeased with her answer. "That is not your place." 

"I'm sorry," she cried. 

The doctor called two caretakers in, and a worried Peter to his side. The two caretakers held the poor girl down, Peter handing a chip to the oldest man. Brenner walked forward, pushing her head to the side onto the freezing floor, her eyes meeting Peter's sad ones. I'm sorry, it's going to be okay, he mouths to her. She calmed a little, before Brenner injects the chip into Faith's neck, her yelping in pain, tears rolling down her face. Peter's tear-brimmed eyes were the last thing she saw before she passed out from the overwhelming pain of the injection. 

"Peter, cuff her to the bed," Dr. Brenner instructs, getting up from the floor next to the girl. The two other caretakers leave the room, leaving Peter, Brenner, and Faith. The doctor brushes his clothes off, ridding of the dust gathered from the floor. Once Dr. Brenner leaves the room, shutting the door behind him, Peter picks the girl up carefully. He places her on her bed, sitting on the edge. 

He peers down at her, "I'm so sorry, my dear." He takes her wrists gently, wrapping the silver cuffs within the bed frame, and slipping her wrists in them, behind her. The sympathetic boy brushes his fingers along her arms that were held above her head, before reaching her relaxed face. He traces her lips with his finger, "How beautiful you are." Peter tilts her head to the side, getting a better look at what Brenner did to her. The sight of him hurting her, Peter thought, angered him. 

The orderly bends down to the swollen place on her neck, kissing it softly. Faith stirs at this, her eyes opening tiredly. Peter lifts his head from her neck, "Look who decided to join me." Faith's lip flinch up, letting out a breathy laugh. She, however, completely panics when she notices she's restrained. Faith yanks at the cuffs. "Hey, hey," Peter says, holding her still, "Don't fight it." 

Faith furrows her eyebrows, lifting herself up from her sleeping position, Peter assisting her, lifting her hips backward. She's now eye level to the lovely boy, "What happened?" 

"You're like me now," he explains, "They've stopped you." 

"From what?" 

"From being you," he reasons, "You frighten him, so he's taken the only thing away from you that would overpower him." 

She sighs, "I don't have my powers anymore?" 

Peter scoots closer, "No, silly. They've just been blocked." 

Faith nods, sadly. "Do not fret, dear, I will get us out of this," he assures, confidently. "But, for now, you're going to be like me for a bit. You'll help around the lab and help with the other children. Papa is on his way to talk to you about it, now. Remember to stay calm, act unbothered. I promise you, that I will come up with a plan to get us out of here. But, right now, I bid you adieu, my dearest." Peter kisses her jaw quickly, before jolting out the door, Brenner entering a few seconds afterward. 

The frightened girl glares at the man, scooting away from him when he takes Peter's spot on the bed. Dr. Brenner brushes her hair from her face, the girl leaning away from his touch. "Do not be afraid, Faith."

Her brows furrow, "Faith?"

Brenner tilts his head, "That is your name, isn't it?" 

She gulps. How does she answer that? 


He gives her a fake smile, "I've left a change of clothes on your bed. It's a little different from what you're used to, but it'll suffice. Change, then meet me in the rainbow room, your job starts today." 

she speaks!!!

lots of sweet little scenes today, and some not so sweet scenes but hey most of them we're quite adorable. okay so don't worry guys it'll get better AND YOU WILL BE SHOCKED BY THE ENDING. anyways I hope some of you caught the easter eggs in chap 003, anyways ty for the love and I'm gonna be updating a lot the next few days so prepare urselves <333

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